11-Liquidation of Dreamers

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Kellin,unlike Vic, was having a wonderful time relearning all his songs and falling in love. He could still sing, laugh, he still couldn't play any insturment at all (save microphone).

He was still beautiful, funny, vibrant, joyful. He was Kellin. He still knew his name, he could count by twos and tie his shoes. He could hug and high five and smile.

But he couldn't quite remember his name. No, no, no, not his OWN name. He couldn't quite remember the long haired boy with the caramel skin and brow eyes, the one with the silver in his nose.

You know who he's talking about? The guy who plays guitar and sings. Sometimes he screams. He has a beautiful smile(but it seems sad.)

Yeah, that one.

Kellin couldn't quite remember his name..but he wanted to know.

Kellin knew his band. Especially Justin. Justin was the really attatctive one with the shark on his hand. Justin was very nice and caring to Kellin. He had a nice smile too. Justins smile was happier than the other boys smile.

Kellin could only wonder why.

He could only wonder and wonder and wonder and wonder and wonder and wond-

Kellin wokeup three hours later

At first he couldn't see. The lights were too bright and the room was extremely bright. As were the sheets. He added it up in his head.

Uncomfy bed plus bright rooms plus annoying beeping plus pain must mean shit went down.

Indeed it did.

Kellin rustled around, peering around only to fin himself plunged back into darknes.

"Guess who!"

Not who he wanted.

It was Justin of course.

Kellin didn't want Justin. Kellin wanted the boy with the caramel skin, brow eyes, and little peice of metal in his nose. Kellin wanted the perfectly sad smile of the boy he so yearned for.

Kellin wanted Vic, and Vic wanted Kellin, and Justin wanted Kellin, and no one wanted Justin.

Kellin, still silent in his darkness, began to think.

And he thought and thought and thought and thought

Until he pushed the hands away, stumbled out of the bed, limping in pain. He made his way out into the hallway where he could almost hear the frown.

He could almost hear the frown of the boy with the caramel skin and brown eyes, with that little peice of metal in his nose.

He walked into the waiting room where he was rushed back by nurses but in that moment he locked eyes with the one he wanted the most. He looked deep into Vic's own dark orbs. In that particular moment Kellin took in ever detail of Vic. In that moment Kellin felt as if he was alone with Vic. They stared at eachother with a smile so bright and happy. Kellin and Vic both knew, and accepted, the fact that they love eachother.

Kellin was rushed back to his room where he was abruptly shoved back into bed and scolded. He payed no mind to the burnig words. He focused of the smile in the doorway. The beautiful face behind the glass.

Vic was there and he was happy. He made his own way to Kellin and placed his lips against the other boys. Fireworks flew and they pulled away and stared into each other eyes. Vic kissed the bandage on Kellins head and smiled softly.

He looked away for five seconds.

The Kellins cheek stung and he was in darkness again. He was scared and he couldn't hear or see until he finally went to sleep again...

A day later Kellin woke up

When he woke up, he thought he didn't wake up. But he did amd he knew he did because he could hear the frown. He tried to open his eyes and when he did he saw


It kind of hit him like a brick wall. He felt his stomach drop to his knees and his throat dried up and if they could, his eyes would probably tear up. Right now he couldn't really tell what was happening but at the same time he understood the sad truth.

Kellin was blind.

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