Mission Compromised

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Halloween was a bust, sure the ghosts came out to play, but the rest? Not a peep.

Agent 37 let out a huff of frustration and checked his watch. Time moved at a snails pace and still the coven hadn't gathered.

"Knew I should have joined the Ghost Hunters," he muttered, slumping down against the tree, cursing the wet grass that soaked through his jeans.

His radio crackled static before a voice broke through, quiet and broken; reception out in the sticks was dreadful.

"Agent 37, confirm contact has been made."

Another glance at his watch, they were late. "Damn witches," he muttered. "Negative, still no...whoa..."

A flash erupted from the clearing as a  bonfire suddenly crackled where there had been but bare grass and shadow. Figures emerged from the dark tree line, drawn into the firelight.

Better late than never. "Contact confirmed, they're here."

"Data required from the High Priestess only, have a clear field of vision to avoid interference."

But they all looked the same. Female, cavorting around the bonfire in the moonlight, and naked – apparently a point not thought worth mentioning. It was a little distracting, but Agent 37's Halloween was certainly starting to look up.

"Captivating aren't they?"

The voice made him physically jump, he hadn't heard her coming.

"They're not what you're looking for, I am?"

The shock sent his heart racing and left him struck momentarily dumb and stupid, he was rapidly missing out on prime data collection moments. The High Priestess was right in front of him, smiling far too wide, her cheeks red and raw as the smile ripped through her flesh.

"What the Hell?"

She was no Witch.

She reached out a bony hand that shimmered like quicksilver as Agent 37 fumbled with the data scanner.

"Dammit, work. Scan the Witch!"

Data request, 'Scan the Witch' in progress.

The electronic voice cut through the quiet like an alien invasion, shattering the creature's concentration for a moment and giving him enough time to scramble to his feet.

Heat increased at his back as he moved away from the press of the tree, into the open space, towards the dancing witches and their blazing bonfire. There was no better option.

He looked down at the device in his hand, willing the scan to run faster, cursing modern reliance on technology. Heat from the flames made him sweat, it certainly wasn't fear of the creature advancing on him, gliding over the ground never touching it, suspended by an unseen magical force. Grinning and dancing, both beautiful and horrifying she came forwards like an angel sent straight from Hell.

"Come join our celebration, Agent 37," she cooed, her voice lyrical as it soothed his mind and tempted his body to join the dance.

The scanner in his hand blinked, 95% complete, a little more and he was done. But she was right in front of him, writhing and shimmering, inviting him to join them and he was tempted.

Hands tugged at his jacket, stroked his hair, as a chorus of voices rang in his ears.

"Join us!" they sang in voices not from this world. No, definitely not witches.

The Priestess stretched out a hand and plucked the data scanner from his grip, crushing it between long, powerful fingers. Emitting sparks and an electric shriek it fell to the ground. His jacket and radio very quickly followed.

"I'd say your mission was seriously compromised, Agent 37. Now won't you join us?"

Eyes wide and heartbeat rapid, he considered his options for a short moment. "What the Hell," the mission was a bust, let the Harpies drag him into their fold, Halloween might not be a total loss.

"Agent 37, come in, Status report."

The High Priestess smiled and picked up the electronic devices. Holding down the talk button she held the scanner to the speaker as the computerised voice faded and died. One final report.

Scan interrupted...Data request 'Scan the Witch...the Witch...Scan the Witch...Witch...'

Oh no, most definitely not a Witch.

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