Chapter 8: Why Me!

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(New Day at McKinley) (Aly walks down the halls and everyone is starring at her.)(Aly is wearing a navy blue polka dot dress with some black flats on and her hair is down and she has red bow on.)

(Aly is walking to her locker. Blaine and Kurt are there.) (Both guys are starring.)

Kurt: Aly?

Aly: Hey guys, so what do you think?

Kurt: This smells like Rachel but it’s an amazing look on you!

Blaine: I totally agree! Is this the first time you wear this kind of stuff from your other schools?

Aly: Yes! I may look different but I’m still the tough one!

(All three laugh)

Kurt: Well let’s go, we don’t want to be late for class now.

Aly: (laughs) okay. I’ll catch up with you guys soon.

(Kurt and Blaine walked away and head to class.)

(The bell rings.)

(Aly was at her locker as Rick and his gang came up behind her. The two other hockey guys picks up Aly by one holding one arm and the other does the same with the other.)

Aly: What the heck!

Rick: I told you we weren’t finish yet. So my pals and I are going to take you to our secret spot. Where you don’t have to lift your pretty fingers.

(The guys take Aly outside towards the garbage bin.)

Aly: Come on! Put me down! I’ll hit you guys for reals without using my hands!

Rick: Oh! We’ll put you down but first let’s give you a swing. (One hockey guy hurries to carry Aly’s legs as the other holds both of her arms.)

Aly: LET ME GO!!! I’m Serious!

Rick: Okay. 1,2, and 3

(Aly lands inside the trash bin as the guys swing her.)

Rick: Have a nice swim with the leftovers! Oh wait! You are one! (They close the bin.)

(Bell rings.) (Everyone is at the choir room.)

Rachel: Have you guys seen Aly today?

Kurt: We saw her in the morning and she looked amazing!

Rachel: You liked her makeover?

Kurt: Yeah! I was like this smells like Rachel.

(Rachel laughs.)

Mercedes: I didn’t see her all day?

Tina: Me either.

Artie: That’s weird. Maybe she had to leave early?

Mr. Schu: Hey guys! So have you apologized to Aly yet?

Rachel: I did but I didn’t see her at all today.

Mr.Schu: Really?

Kurt: I saw her in the morning and she was happy.

Mr.Schu: Well maybe she had a family emergency. But don’t worry guys, she’ll probably show up tomorrow.

Artie: Yeah. I really need her for my play. She’s helping me train the vocals.

Kurt: Blaine and I were supposed to meet up with her after.

Rachel: I wanted to know more about her.

(Everyone looks concern at Mr. Schu.)

Later on…

(Aly opens the trash bin as she is covered with leftover cafeteria food and rotten food all over her body.)

Aly: Dumb Jerks! They got my new clothes dirty which they are going to take forever to wash. I got to get home fast! Man! That trash bin is huge! I wonder what time it is? (Aly checks her watch) Oh shoot! It’s already 3:50! Dang! I got to hurry before someone see’s me like this!

(Aly gets out and runs home.) (At Aly’s house) (Aly opens the door.) (Aly’s dad suddenly appears and Aly loses her balance.) (Aly closes the door.)

Aly’s dad: Where were you? (Sounds angry and drunk.)

Aly: I was at school.

Aly’s dad: Poowee! What the hell do you smell like that at school didn’t your mother taught you how to shower?

Aly: I got into trouble at school.

Aly’s dad: What the hell? Don’t you have any friends? (starts looking for another beer.)

Aly: Somewhat, I got to go.

Aly’s dad: (gets angry) don’t you run away when I’m talking to you! (Hits Aly really hard) Where are my bottles!

Aly: (puts her hand on the hit) I don’t know! I never touch your bottles!

(Aly’s dad gets madder)

Aly’s dad: Don’t be shouting at me you worthless piece of crap! (Hits Aly harder.) Now tell me! Where are my bottles!

Aly: (tears come down) I don’t know!!

Aly’s dad: (pushes Aly against the wall.) You better freaking tell me or else I’ll kill you!! (Starts raising his empty bottle in the air but misses to hit Aly with it as he gets unconscious.)

(Aly manages to escape as she heads up to the bathroom.) (Aly closes the door and locks it.) (Aly looks herself in the mirror with all the bloody bruises she has and scars.)

(Aly talking to herself.)

Aly: Why can’t I hit him? Why am I so weak around him? (She starts crying.) Mom I wish you were here.

(Aly turns on the water for the shower, as she gets ready to go in.) (Aly gets in the shower.)

(Aly tries to hold her scream from the pain and stings from the hot water coming down on her bloody back.)

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