Damn it now theres a hole in space.

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Edited- holy sugar, in the picture, Nat looks so fluffing creepy. Not what u want to see at 1 in the morning. Kinda scared myself. Any way, read on.
Loki's POV:
I had just thrown the metal man out the window. My sister and metals mans sister dived after him. Marie I think it is on Elizabeth's back. With it being so long of not seeing my sibling I forgot she could fly. Damn it, now she's going to save the man of metal. Tony is it? The elevator pinged behind me and out shot a red pod thing. Strange, it flew out the hole in the window after Tony. Midgard is full of rather weird things.

Turning around to leave I heard a whoosh sound, I turned and the metal man was there. My face turned into a angry scowl as I walked to the window to get a better view of the, what should be, dead iron man. How is this possible? I just threw him out a 93 story building! I looked up at him, my face even more twisted and angry.
"And there's one other person you pissed off" he said.
"His name was Phil!" His sister shouted. Where did she come from?! Next to Tony was my sister, Liz, with Marie on her back.
"Time for pay back." Elizabeth screamed at me a little to harshly. Suddenly a loud serge of energy could be heard.
"What the hell is that?" The girls questioned in unison. I smiled and went to turn but landed flat on my behind. Confusion took over for a second until I turned my head and saw Tony had his fire hand open. He shot me. The mere mortal shot me? A god? Oh that's not on. He shall pay. But right now my army has arrived. I smiled and rose walking to the elevator.

Tony's POV
I looked up and there it was. That bastard put a hole in the sky. Great. Oh and it keeps getting better those fucking alien chitauri things are here. Massive long eel things come out of the portal as well. They must be where the chatauri are hiding.
"Right. Army." Flying up to the portal Marie follows close atop of Liz .
"Do you see this or did I drink too much?" I asked them.
"If you had drank too much then I am afraid so did I" Liz replied.
"God, don't drink and fly idiots!" I stated. "Haven't you seen the posters and adverts?" We flew to the portal in silence as it was only a few more seconds. We were organising our own battle planes. 'I wonder if they like rockets?' I thought as I wondered what to do. My rocket launcher came out of my shoulder and let fire a few missiles. One or two targets went down. These space things are stronger than they appear.

Beside me Liz was shooting fire balls and Marie was launching ice charms, to no avail. Only a few were going down but thousands of them were coming out if this Space hole.
"Bro it's not working!" Marie yelled. Disappointment was in her tone. Well that ruined my day, seeing her little face all sad and seeing an equally disappointed Liz. With a sigh I told them to fly down to the ground and save the civilians as they were all gawking in the middle of the road. How stupid of them. Don't they realise there's a massive hole in the sky with aliens leaking out of it? Like it was some sort of wound with gross alien puss. (Nice image for you all there)

The chitauri were blowing up cars and setting stuff on fire. Why won't these people just get inside?! In the distance multiple building were blowing up. The first, then the second, almost a domino affect as the rubble from one building knocked down another. 'God I hope Steve's okay. I hate him not being here with me. How do I know he's okay?!' My heart sank as I thought of my boyfriend and how he wasn't fighting with me. Be safe Steve, oh god be safe.

Thors POV
My brother was on the balcony of sSark Tower. No doubt admiring the destruction of this once peaceful city. I landed on the tower just behind him. Turning he shot me a look, a cocktail of anger and betrayal brewing in his light blue eyes. Though I do not understand, he was the one who betrayed everyone, mother, father, me and even the people of Asgard. He let us all down. That's why I had to stop him, for the good of humanity.
"Loki turn off the tesseract or I'll destroy it." I stated hoping he would but knowing he wouldn't.
"You can't." his voice was flat but his face told another story "there is no stopping it. There is only war." a smile creeped onto his lips and playing at the corners of his lips. That's my brother as stubborn as our mother. Although mother would not be proud of him.
"So be it." he shot me a quick glance and there was a light in his eyes that showed his predatory side. He had a plan and it was attack. However before I could react properly he was atop of me. Only mere seconds away. In defence I help up mjölnir and she collided with his scepter. Our body's clashed and the metal of our armour clanged. Loki threw punches and used his staff to attack, meaning I had to do the same. The two of us battled. His body language suggested that he had kept this anger inside for a while as his moves were sharp like a serpent trying to ambush a mouse who seemed to get away when the snake was close. Lokis face showed nothing but pure jealousy. This confused me as he was mothers favourite, he got everything. What's he jealous of?

Natasha's POV
Me and Clint were just arriving at the city. The chitauri were already there, damn it. There were thousand of them, crashing into buildings and blowing up cars. It was kind of like a movie scene. Looking down I spotted Stark flying round his tower, Thor and Loki were fighting like wild animals on the balcony.
"Stark, we're heading north east." Marie and Liz came round the other side of the tower leading a string of chitauri to God knows where.
"What did you stop for drive-thru?" Liz sassed. Man Tony was a bad influence on her.
"Swing up park, we're gunna lay em out for you." Marie told us. At least she's not as bitchy as her brother.
"Yeah!"Tony shouted through the head set as he flew towards the ground landing there. His string of chitauri crashing and hopefully dying.
"Ready?" Clint questioned, his voice deep and almost uneasy. So I replied with a simple yes hoping to calm his nerves. No sooner had the words left my lips, Tony came into view and behind him, who'd of guess another fucking chitauri. I pulled out the QUINJETs machine gun and fired at the slimy body of the eel thing until it crashed onto the building underneath. God I hope no one was in those top ten floors. That could have ended really badly. Clint looks out his window trying to find a target.
"See them?" I asked him as Loki and Thor came into our view. Blimey (yes people still say it. Or it's just me :p)they were still at it. Energy blasts here, hammer thwacks there. This could take a while. Hawkeye took the jet forward towards stark tower and aimed the mini gun at Loki. But it was unfortunate timing because just  Loki happened to look up. This was not good. Where probably gunna die 'cause we just pissed off a god. Oops.
Loki aimed his scepter at the QUINJET and a ray of blue energy came out and hit the jet, causing it to set of fire rather quickly. Somewhere through the flames I saw Liz tackling Loki to the ground and Marie helping Thor. Gosh they got there quick. I'm glad they did. Clint manoeuvred the one winged jet as it span and descended to the ground. After a few seconds of wild spinning it slowed to a minimum and dropped out the air. Passing over the tall buildings of New York we finally plummeted into the street.
"You okay?" He asked me looking over and unclipping his belt. I nodded and unclipped mine. I opened the hatch and totally forgot about cap in the back. Him being him dived out the back. He called Tony's name once and ran off. I presume to find his lover and make sure he's okay, though I know he is. Me and Clint ran after him. We all had our favourite weapons. Let's kick some chitauri butt!
We ran until we came to the middle of a four way junction, stopped by a primal roar, so load it shook the earth and felt like had created an earth quake. Buildings tumbled down causing rubble to spread into our path.

Steve's POV
The earth trembled and as the building collapse around us my only thought was Tony. I hope he wasn't in any of these buildings, trapped by the rubble and I wouldn't even know which one and that made my heart ache. My Tony would die and I wouldn't be able to say good bye. I was snapped out of my horrendous thoughts by a second shake of the earth. Looking up I saw the mother of all prehistoric beasts. This one was like the eels but fifty times bigger and fifty times more scary. Off the sides of this beast, as Liz called through the head set, loads of chitauri were jumping off and sliding down buildings. Some were just sliding down but others were firing their energy guns at the innocent civilians before they were even off the thing. This is war. No one kills innocents, not on my watch!
"Stark can you see this babe?" I asked hoping he could and wasn't actually buried.
"I'm seeing, still working on believing, love." good so he's not dead. "Where banner? Has he shown up yet?" WHY THE HELL IS HE ASKIN ABOUT BANNER?! IM HIS BOYFRIEND NOT HIM.
"Banner?" I spat jealousy in my tone.

Hello humans becca here, I felt this would be a good part to leave this on. So sorry these have been late but I'm still ill. Which sucks. Also I've had an assignment in for this week so I've been up oober late workin ma butt off. Plus since Sherlock isn't coming out any time soon I've started supernatural. SO MANY FANDOMS! Crimson peak is out soon staring Tom hiddleston so me and mol are going omg fan girlin so hard.
Me and ma boo (mol) are thinking of doing another book cuz this ones almost finished. We will be finishing this one with some bonus chapters 😉 so here r some suggestions comment which u would like. Proving you actually our writing and would like another book.
1) age of ultron
2) johnlock
3) who lock
4) super who lock
5) other (suggestions please)
Alright becca out
(P.s. Deadlines for chapters are now Sunday's) (p.p.s hopefully chapters will be longer)

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