Living Darkness (short story)

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Hi Guys! Lets see...this is just a little short creepy type story I came up off the top of my head to get my new account started here~ Hope you like even if it may not be good!

There once was a young boy.  He was five years old and extremely terrified of the dark. One day at school his class mates would tease him, and one day they took it to far. When the teacher left the children working on a craft while she went and talked to another teacher the boy's classmates can up to him and asked if he wanted to play a game. when he agreed they shoved him in the closet. They locked him in there in complete darkness. The little boy begged and pleaded for them to let him out as he banged on the door with his little fists but they all just laughed and went back to do there work before the teacher came back. The little boy kept crying and begging to be released from the closet but everyone just ignored him. After a good ten minutes the little boy stopped his pleading knowing that they wont listen so he just slid down the wall slowly bringing his knees up to his chest. He kept his eyes closed tightly his face buried in his arms which rested on his knees. 

" Humans are quite cruel aren't they?"

The little boy raised his head quickly and looked around to find who was talking but saw nothing but darkness.

" Don't be afraid of me boy...I am everywhere my name is darkness.."

The little boy stared aimlessly into the darkness of the closet as he spoke his bottom lip still quivering from fright.

" W-Will you hurt me?"

" No I will not...In fact I want to be you're friend..because I know just how cruel Humans can be.."

The voice whispered as if it was inside the boy's head. The little Boy Hesitated for a second then nodded accepting the darkness. All went quiet for a while as the children forgot all about the boy they locked in the closet. The sound of children laughing and giggling as they worked quickly vanished when they heard a loud Bang! coming from the closet. They all looked over to the door when it swung open violently hitting the wall and creating a louder Bang! The children gasped in surprise. There stood the little boy, His black hair covering his eyes as he stepped out slowly his hand extended to the side of him as if he was holding another child's hand. An eerie silence took over the class room. The little boy started to speak in a Innocent voice.

" Lets Play A Game! "

He giggled as a sinister smile twisted across his lips. The Children all looked at him scared as the figure next to him started to reveal itself to the children. A dark shadow in the shape of a small child held the boy's hand a sinister smile also played across the shadow's lips only revealing it's sharp teeth. It reached its shadowy hand that seem to static like a T.V to the wall and placed a finger lightly against the wall. Black like veins started to spread across the wall as the little boy giggled lightly tilting his head to the side.

" Let's Begin!"

The black like veins started to consume the walls turning the ceiling pitch black and the left and right wall of the classroom pitch black. The children all gathered against the still untainted wall as they cried and screamed. The Blackness got closer and closer till only one small scream echoed through the school's halls as it quickly turned into an eerie silence as if no one was ever there to begin with.


All Done! :D I did my best on the short story >~> I'm still inexperienced so ya..but anyway I'm happy with it! Comments would be nice..>~> if you dont minds that is.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2013 ⏰

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