Chapter 3

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The next morning was quite pleasant for the redhead. She had always been a fan of cloudy and cold mornings. While the sun was still there, it didn't exactly made a difference in the chilly Gotham morning. Barbara took her time in waking up. There was no rush, really.

Her mind woke up slowly, more with each passing minute as she lay in her cosy bed. The sheets were a little fluffy compared to what she was used to, but she wasn't one to complain over such tiny details. It wouldn't make a difference anyway. Well, she could ask for a change of sheets to suit her liking, but that would just make her (in her opinion) an ungrateful guest. With a sigh of happiness she pulled herself out of bed.

The redhead tied her hair up into a loose ponytail then proceeded into the washroom to wash her face, and whatever girls did in the bathroom. After a good ten minutes of just making herself look presentable, Barbara proceeded downstairs to the kitchen, with luck on her side as she managed to not get lost. When she reached the kitchen, though, she was greeted by Tim, the adorable and cheeky little boy.

"Heya!" He quipped at Barbara.

"Good morning," she replied delightfully and took a seat across from the boy.

Not long after, Alfred strode into the room, tray in hand. Is that... Breakfast? Only when the aroma of coffee and food invaded her nose did Barbara realize how hungry she was. It took every bit of self control she had not to practically devour the food which had been presented before her by Alfred. They looked divine.

She flashed the Butler a cute little grin as a thank you before picking up her utensils and eating her bacon and eggs. A question lingered in her mind. What was it...? Oh right. Where the heck was Nightwing? She realized she was eager to see him again. No, it wasn't eagerness. Not that the redhead would admit it to herself. However, as if on cue, the man himself stepped into the room.

Grayson had a scowl on his face. And... He was not wearing a shirt. Though he had a mask on, even a kindergarten child could tell he was grumpy and extremely sleep deprived. Coffee mug in hand, he plopped down on the stool opposite Barbara. His jet black hair was tousled. His shoulders were slouched. And the good morning greetings from Alfred and Tim were only acknowledged with a small grunt. The bruise on his jaw, though not as obvious as it was the previous night, was still there nonetheless. A light shade of red bloomed on the redhead's cheeks at the memory of her fist connecting with his jaw, and almost ruining his flawless features.

Again, she kicked herself at that thought. She reminded herself that she did not have a crush on the vigilante. Then her gaze fell lower, staring at his chiseled chest and the start of his torso, where she could barely see his abs. A part of Barbara screamed stop thinking this way! You're better than this! While another was contradicting the other, shouting Damn table! His abs are right th--

Barbara was snapped out of her argumentative reverie by Grayson.

"Cut it out. I'm not your personal magazine," he said coldly, but then his lips curled in a tiny smirk, "At least pay to read."

At this, Barbara turned beet red.

"Oh you. Always being so self conscious."

"What can I say? It's true."

Tim cut them off with a fake cough. "What you can say," he began, "Is that you're oblivious about me being here. Get a room you two!" He pouted then grinned jokingly as he left the kitchen. Grayson only rolled his eyes and chuckled lightly.

Well, at least he isn't grumpy anymore, the redhead mentally deduced.

So, apparently Batman was away on a Justice League mission, so he had left Nightwing in charge. Crime rates in Gotham were unexpectedly low at the time. It was like the criminals and villains had decided to take a Christmas vacation. Speaking of Christmas, there were two weeks left before the eve of the said holiday, and even though the two new friends didn't tell each other, they were both secretly planning to get each other something for Christmas.

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