The beginning

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After so long the nightmares came back and I could not sleep quiet. Tonight just waking mommy. She was trying to calm me down, running her hands through my hair which, incidentally, were equal to their black. My mother was very beautiful, with her blue eyes, her fair skin, but not so much, and her slim figure: should have a meter and seventy tall.

I wondered if the thirty-seven years would be as beautiful as her.

-Filha, What are you thinking? My mother asked me

- Nothing much ... I was just wondering if I will be beautiful as you, when you have your age.

- Sure daughter, you are beautiful. I know that only complete eighteen years next year, but, surely, it will be beautiful to a hundred years.

Yeah, on second thought I looked a bit like my mother. I have the oval face like yours, brown eyes and wavy black hair, my skin is a light brown tone, my nose is small and proportional.

- Flora, Flora - said mom calling me.

- Yes mom

I've got to tell you something, since you are closer to eighteen

- What mother? asked interested in the change of tone it

Do you remember I told you that his father had gone to live elsewhere? - I questioned and I did so with my head - Well this place is in another dimension ... In a magical world where all are human, only that everyone is also magical. His father is the king there.

- What? This can only be kidding - said laughing.

- No joke daughter - to my amazement she was still serious - You can also do magic.

- If it is true this madness, because I've never done?

-It's Because, even if you have the magic, must learn to use it. You need to take lessons with a teacher.

- That's where we get a? - I scoffed because he was still waiting for her to say it was all a joke.

- We will live with his father next year, however, he has sent a teacher so you can go about learning magic. Now it's sleep, stay here until that happens.

- With all this thing about magic, I do not know if I can - I joked, though he was serious.

- Go yes, just close your eyes and empty your mind, just feeling the touch of my hand in her hair - said, smoothing my hair - Think you can?

- Yes - I agreed, because it was very good and be beside her made me feel safe. He believed that the nightmare would not dare repeat, if she stayed there.

Surprisingly, I slept and did not have more nightmares. When I woke up, my mother came to see me.

- I was very tired, I think. Because remember a strange conversation about magic - said good-naturedly.

- I was not dream. We had this conversation.

I sat up in bed, still in disbelief.

- We were talking about a teacher. And it is here - my mother continued.

- And where is he then? - I asked still suspicious.

- He's in the guest room. To arrange, for as soon as possible, to know him, the better. I asked him to come talk to us here in your room.

Still finding it all weird, I did what was asked, standing up, changing clothes, brushing your teeth quickly and holding her hair anyway. My mother began to tell me a little more about such a teacher, however, had no time to say much because we heard a knock on the door.

- Between - Mom said.

Excuse me, Mrs. Clear - he said coming Good morning.

Good morning Albert - said Mom and turning to me - Daughter this is your teacher.

- Hello - I greeted him shy.

- Hello my name is Albert - he reached out

- Oh, sorry my name is Flora

- Nice to meet there Flora

- My pleasure, Albert

- Would you care to start class today?

- No, I just have to fix me, okay?

- Yeah, I hope you there in the garden

- It's ok

- Good daughter, now that we've met, I need to get ready to go to work. Your breakfast is already on the table.

- All right mother

Bye Mrs. Clara - said Albert

Bye, Albert. But do not need the Mrs. Just call me Clara, okay?

- All right, Clara.

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