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Oliver had run after the boy , only to get a door slammed in his face. He could hear Len's devastated and sad sobs. "...... Len.... I--I wish to help...... " Oliver said softly. ".... I---I'm So sorry Oliver-san I just wish to be alone.." Len responded , but his voice cracked. Oliver stood there his hand on the door. He could still hear Len's sobs, only they were a bit quieter this time. With a sigh, he walked away. He was so distracted with thoughts about Len , he ran into someone. The other boy had white hair, and different colored eyes, one green and the other blue. He spoke something in Japanese not knowing Oliver was British. Oliver recognized him as one of his classmates. "...........--- Piko.." The rest Oliver didn't understand. " I speak English....." Oliver said. " Oh I'm sorry.. My name is Piko.." the boy _well Piko-said in his soft voice. Oliver bowed. " I am Oliver.. " He said. He was confused as to why he had never noticed Piko before. Surely he would stand out..... Piko seemed really shy, as he was shaking a little eyes focused on the floor. " so.. Um.. Do you know Len?" The question slipped out of Oliver's mouth before he could stop it. For an odd reason, Piko's face heated up at even the mention of Len's name. " Y---Yes!" He answered quickly. Much too quickly for Oliver's taste.That was when Len came out, rubbing at his eyes and sniffling. Piko's eyes widened as did Oliver's. The other blonde's eyes were red and puffy, his breathing hitched. Other then those, all signs of crying were gone. " Len-kun!------------" Oliver heard Piko say, before he ran over to Len speaking in Japanese. Len shook his head. Piko's eyes looked worried, and Len flashed him a smile. "Sore wa, 'bakkinda.. Watashi wa.. Puriti-me o kea suru tame no okage de daijōbu shinpaishinaidekudasai yo..." He said quietly, and A blush spread across Piko's face. Oliver felt a pang of jealousy. He didn't know what Len had said, but he knew by Piko's face it was something that would make him even more angry

AN~ Can anyone guess what Len said? No cheating! (using google translate etc) If you think you know leave a comment

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