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Hey guys, this is a re-write. I've made this longer and more detailed, I hope you guys like it, there is lots more added :) Thanks to @waterloggedbunny for editing 

Chapter One

"You know, we could totally make a band." Erin took his head out of the fringe, smiling crookedly, with a can of olives in his hand. I shook my head at him and laughed.

"Totally, if either of us could sing, or play a real instrument." I pointed out to him. He shook his head, grabbing a spoon.

"Nah... Those things don't matter Eve." He replied vigorously spooning canned green olives into him mouth disgustingly.

"How can you even eat those? They make your breath all gross." I pretended to gag, holding back a smile. He put down the can and spoon, and slowly took a step towards me with a wicked smile. As he took a step forward, I took one back. He long legs sped up, I squealed trying to run backwards. It wasn't soon before his arms were wrapped around my waste pulling me towards him. He bent him head down slightly so our lips could meet. At first I replied, because of the nasty taste of olives, but I ignored that after a little while. Erin's lips where soft and gentle against mine, he tipped my head slightly up as the kiss deepened.

"Um... Kids?" Erin and I broke apart like the touch of our lips burned.

"Errr... hey Mom." Erin had turned a shade of bright red at the sight of his mother. I turned around slowly smiling slightly.

"Hey Mrs. Johnson!" I smiled cheerfully, I didn't care if she saw us.

"Erin and I where just getting ready to go outside to take a walk." She smiled, and nodded her head.

"Joined faces like that is a great way to go get ready for a walk." She said winking at me.

"Yes I find its great preparation." I replied with a totally straight face.

"You kids have fun." She shook her head laughing as I pulled Erin towards the back door. Erin and I have been next door neighbors for 14 years, best friends for 13 years. It was kinda obvious that one day we'd become a couple one day. His home was my second home, and my home was his. I dragged Erin over to my empty house. We ended up in my kitchen, this time there was no olives involved.

"What do you wanna do Saturday?" Erin asked lifting me up so I was on our kitchen island, now eye to eye with him.

"We could see a movie?" He suggested, brushing a piece of my long black hair behind my ear. "We did that last weekend..." I complained, thinking for a moment.

"Isn't Lucy having a party?" I asked, Lucy was one of our not quite friends but a party is a party.

"Yup, I forgot. Wanna go?" I widened my eyes.

"No, I was just suggesting it because I totally didn't want to go." I said sarcastically.

"Well then..." He smiled, His face coming closer to mine. His lips barely touched mine when the phone rang. He started laughing and touched his forehead to mine. I jumped off the counter, and ran to catch the phone.

"Heeeello?" I answered out of breath.

"Hey, Eve do you mind telling Erin he needs to come home?" I smiled, almost laughing.

"No problem Mrs. Johnson." I responded.

"Great! Thanks hun!" She hung up. I walked back to the kitchen, Erin's back was towards me when I entered. I quietly made my way to him, slowly putting my arms up and around his neck. He gave a slight jump, and started laughing.

"You really think that you could scare the great Erin Johnson! I think not!" He boomed, but I just stood there smiling.

"Darling, I felt you jump." I admitted. His smile faded, into a pout.

"Damn..." I laughed again, wrapping my arms his waist.

"Who was on the phone?" I had completely forgotten about that. "Your mom, she wants you to come home." He made an interesting face.

"Of course she does, wanna come with me?" He questioned raising an eyebrow.

"Nah, I got things to do here. I'll see you tomorrow." He sighed deeply.

"Fiiiiiiine." He bent down to peck me on the forehead, then walked out of my door, to his home. All of the sudden my house very big and empty, my parents were working like most nights. I really didn't see my parents a lot, mostly just at breakfast. I was used to it though. I walked over to my kitchen, and just stood there for a little while not entirely sure of what to do. Food sounded good, I walked over to our giant sub-0 fridge and decided to go hunting. It took about five minutes until I actually found something I wanted to eat: left over, cold Chinese. I dumped what was left in a bowl, and grabbed a fork.

I planted myself in the living room, and through on my favorite episode of buffy the vampire slayer (the musical one). This was what I would do most of the time, sometimes I would be with Erin, and sometimes I'd be watch some of other show. This was my ritual.

Three episodes and a bowl of popcorn later:

With tired eyes, I got off of my lazy butt, and sheepishly tripped up the stairs to my room. I slowly picked out a pair of pink pajama shorts, and an oversized t-shirt and headed to my bathroom to shower. Steam filled my nostrils, the hot water draped over my skin. I scrubbed my thick black hair with foamy bubbles. I closed my eyes, letting my skin prune up in the water. No matter what water doesn't last forever, slowly my water started going from hot to luke warm to cold. I sighed turning off the water, and grabbing my giant fluffy brown towel.

Yawning, and dressed I slipped into my cold bed. I pulled the covers up to my chin, and turned to on my side. My eyes started closing, with every blink they closed more and more. Finally they shut and I entered a dream filled sleep.

Dark clouds filled the skies, my boots crunched the dirt filled road. My hand felt heavy, I looked down to see a gun. My fingers around the trigged, ready to shoot. I was following a man. He had greying brown hair, and wore an army jacket and khaki colored pants.

"You ready Eve?" A girl a little older than me asked." I thought no, but I couldn't control what was coming out of my mouth.

"I was born ready." I chuckled. I was disturbed with myself. We approached an old warehouse looking building.

"You know our target, shoot on sight." The girl reminded me, I felt my head nod. We entered the building like ninja's, the people where using funny hand gestures to guide me. I felt as if I was watching, not really doing. I split off from the group, and traveled up a flight of stairs, to a room. Unlike the rest of the dingy building the room was set up as an office, a very nice office it didn't fit at all. There was a man behind the desk, his back was towards me.

"I know, why you have come. You are going to regret this, and many people you love will die because of it." His voice was rough, and almost weak. Before I knew what was going on I realised my hands where raised, gun pointing towards the man. My finger pushed on the trigger, a loud bang went off. As if in slow motion the bullet spiralled hitting the man. He jerked forward, collapsing to his knees.   Gasping I woke up, I was twisted and tangled in my blankets. My forehead damp with sweat.

My clock read 4:56am. I untangled myself from my blankets, and got outta bed. This was the fourth night in a row, every dream was different, but oddly familiar. I walked to my balcony, and opened the unlocked doors with ease. The night air was brisk, but felt good on my hot skin. I flopped down on my bean bag chair that I had left out the night before. There was no moon tonight, only faded stars. I yawned, getting comfortable. I soon fell asleep under the night sky.  


Hi guys, I know this is a short chapter, I'm trying to make them at least 3 pages long but this seemed like the perfect place to end it. I hope you all liked it. feel free to check out the first version there is also pictures of Erin and Eve on the side :P  VOTE & COMMENT

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