Chapter 1

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     New year. New school. New start

      I moved to Steamboat Springs, Colorado, and I already hate it. My mom thinks it will be a good restart for what we have been through, but I still miss our old house.Even though the memories in the old floors made chills go up my spine as soon as I walked through the doors.

     It's my first day of school, and I don't want go. Maybe I should just tell my mom I'm sick, or maybe....No, I need to go. I need to make friends, I need to be nice. Huh, did that really just come from me?

     So I get up, get ready, and walk downstairs bracing myself because my legs are asleep. When I finally reach downstairs, my mom awaits me. She scans me and my outfit, and finally reassures me with an approving nod.

     "Hi sweetheart, how did you sleep?" She says, while I just want to get this day over with so I can sleep some more. "Great, I saw the next door neighbor mowing his lawn in his underwear so that made it better." I say sarcastically. She laughs and tells me not to be late for school.

     I wave goodbye and head out the door. I start my car, pull out of the driveway, and start my way to school.

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