chapter 1: the dream

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(character picture: Garrett)

(gasp) again.......Garrett had awoken with the same sweat and heat he had the previous nights before, he had the dream again, the dream of him battling other beings as strong as him. Garrett was a unique child, you see, unlike the other kids in his region, where they had one element from one parent only, but not Garrett, he had both of his parents powers. Garrett had the power of time travel from his mother, and the power of fire from his father. Garretts parents had died 2 years ago, but he had both powers and was capable of handling himself. Garrett had been having a dream for the past couple of weeks. he thought nothing of it the first time, simply a bad dream, but by the third night, he had realized it meant something. he went to the doctors last week after the third time, the doctor put him through some tests, but nothing came up weird or strange. it was today that Garrett decided to go the great wise man, and find out what this dream meant. He was about to head out, when he realized how hungry he was. Garrett grabbed some sausage and heated it up for breakfast. he got dressed and headed off. he was walking to the Wise man in his town when he heard the every day whisper "hey, it's Garrett, man, it must be great to have both of your parents powers. Garrett had heard this many times, but he knew it was a curse. he finally made it to the local wise man, paid what he owed and Sat down. "what brings you in today, young one" the wise man said. Garrett replied "well I have been having these dreams, well more like the same dream, for the past two weeks, and I was wondering if you could tell me what they mean" "well yes I can" the wise man replied " the wise man then said "please go to sleep, and I will do the rest. "ok, if you say so" and Garrett went to sleep.

the elemental brotherhood: book 1: the gatheringWhere stories live. Discover now