Blue Eyes and Bruises

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Hey! Yeah You!

Okay so now that I have yur attention...Hear me out please.. I had this story on quizilla but it got deleted. Not cool. So I made this account(well duh). Hope you like it. Also, I re-edited the whole story. It's still kind of the same. So Enjoy!

Picture of Ellie:] --->

-------Story Starts-------

"Hey Ellie, I think you should still come with me to the concert.’"

"You know I would love to but, Billy would get pissed' I said.

"Oh! *groans* who gives a shit about him?" She yelled through the receiver

"Um..I do?" That came out more like a question then a statement.

"Whatever Elizabeth Marie Hart, you are coming and that's final."

"Fine I guess. But we're not staying there for long. Three hours. Got it?"

"Yes Mom. Should I hold your hand the entire time we're there? " She teased

'Fuck no! I'd die if you were my daughter. No offence but dude, your a handful."

“Like I’ve never heard that before. I can be a good kid.”

“I would've rather killed myself then be your mom. Don’t lie to me.”            

'Gee thanks, same to you..Shit, sorry Ellie. Um, well I have to go. Bobby's waiting bye!'

I heard her giggle and then clicking the call. Of course; typical Amy, Fucking every guy she can get. Not to mention on her bringing up my mother. My head was hunched down reading the ended call when my head popped back up.

I heard my name being screamed out loud. More like being slobbered out.

I ran down stairs almost tripping in the process. Well, I did end up tripping. I looked up, staring at the belly of the beast of my 'dad'.

He looked down at me and reached for my chin, holding my head upright, for a good bitch slap. I whimpered in pain and but stayed still.

My face was shoved up against the musty old dirty floor, where he started kicking his dummy. My stomach was starting to feel the burn. I couldn't help but let out a small whimper.

He stopped, kicked my left knee, which made a nasty popping sound. I screamed and begged for mercy. He stopped one more to look at his creation of violence. A smirk grew in his face before a loud scornful laugh errupted from his throat.

He grabbed his leather jacket and dragged himself out to his car and drove off to the bar. I looked to my right and saw eight to thirteen bottles of beer.

I laid there for a good hour or so before getting up and giving all my right knee the hard work.

The stairs.

I limped up the first few steps before running up them. No need in being a baby about this type of things, even though it hurt like fucking hell.


I pulled up my shirt only to find more bruises. I touched one of them, they burned. I looked in the mirror to see my brown eyes and black hair all messed up. I peer into the mirror more, for a better look. My brown eyes were widen in fright, my jet hair tangled and jumbled everywhere.

I walk over to my bed and the pain was slowly going away and I couldn’t help but go to sleep. It was only three in the afternoon. Darkness came to me and cuddled me.

Only to be woken up an hour later.

I sat up and took me awhile to think what had happen earlier,my mind was still goggly. There's Amy kept blabbing on and on about something earlier. What was it? The conshells? No, wait the concert! Shit! Shoot me in the face and call me cute.

[Andy Biersack] My Own Kind Of Stalker **COMPLETED**Where stories live. Discover now