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"This is Arachnid. Is everyone in position?"

"Star Copy."

"Lightning copy."

"Scientist in position."

"Falcon copy."

"I still don't see why we ca-"


"Fine. Mechanic is in position. Remind me again why I'm not on the recovery team?"

"You and Lightning are our fastest ways of getting out of here and, no offence but you're just a bit too flamboyant for a stealth mission. Your suit handy?"

"I'm appalled that you would even think to have to ask."

Natasha chose to ignore the comment. "Alright. Scientist, are you ready?"

"As I'll ever be."

Everyone listened in rapt attention as Dr. Bruce Banner efficiently conned his way into Oscorp and down to the research level.

"No wonder S.H.I.E.L.D. had such a hard time keeping track of him," Clint whispered to Natasha from their position on the roof of the building.

"Test subject?" Bruce asked the boot licking scientist who was giving him a tour.

None of the team could hear what the man replied to him but everyone heard the sharp intake of breath Bruce took. "She's here." Bruce whispered into the comm.

Clint and Natasha wasted no time infiltrating the building via the air ducts. The smashing of glass through the comm units told them that Steve had found his own way in.

"They won't let me see her. Something about interrupting a test currently in progress," Bruce murmured into the comms. "Sub floor 3."

"Star, what's your twenty?"

"Taking the fast way down the stairwell. Want to storm the castle together or separately?"

"Together," Natasha decided. "We'll need Falcon to hack the elevator down there." The sounds of a scuffle came through the comm line. "What happened? Sit rep!"

"Had to take out a guard. He didn't have time to call for back-up but someone's bound to be missing him soon. I've got his clearance card."

"Copy that," Clint said. "ETA to your position is three minutes."


The pair of assassins made it to Steve in under two. They took the elevator using the stolen clearance pass. When the doors opened, they were unprepared for what waited for them.

The hallway the elevator opened into was completely empty. There weren't even any labrats scuttling around on errands. Natasha had always been able to tell when a mission was set to go south, this one was screaming that it had already set sail.

Weapons were held at the ready as the group made its way down the corridor. Clint had foregone his bow and arrows for this mission, knowing that they would identify him immediately and instead had opted for his firearm. Natasha, of course, was wielding her beloved glocks and Steve had taken an assault rifle in lieu of his shield.

"Copy that. I'm gonna take a shortcut in so stand back."

"I will accompany the Mechanic," Thor's voice boomed through the line. "Star, Falcon, Arachnid, you are about to have company of the unwanted kind."

"Thanks for the heads up," Clint replied. "Looks like I get a fight after all."

"Don't put yourselves in unnecessary danger," Bruce cautioned as he moved to the side of Gwen's bed. "Get back to the tower in one piece." They hadn't done this mission to put their already dysfunctional family back together only to lose another piece.

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