Chapter 4: The f*ck

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"Wait Jeff the Killer KILLED my parents..." I thought very sadly and very shocked.
"So a creepypastas killed my only family, and creepypastas are actually real. THATS NOT NORMAL!!!" I screamed in side my head.
"(M/N)?" I heard Chloe question/scream as she walked into my room.
"CHLOE!!!" I yell whispered.
"Hey (M/N), I heard what happened, I'm SOOOOOOOO sorry!" She said very sympathetically.
"It's not your fault, plus there's nothing we can do about it now..." I said trying to hide the sadness in my voice, but failing epically.
"Anyway, your gonna stay with me and my parents for a while. So get ready to go and stuff, ok?" She said trying to get off the depressing topic.
"Ok." I replied.
----------------------Time skip----------------------

I was in the car on my way to Chloe's house with my stuff in the trunk.
"So, (M/N) do you want to go back to school, or wait a little bit?" Asked Chloe's mother very kindly.
"Ya, I still have a life even if a part of its gone..." I said while saying the last 7 words on an inaudible whisper.
"Ok, since today's Sunday well get you all set up and ready for tomorrow." Said Chloe's father very politely.
---------------Another time skip---------------

So I found out I'll be sleeping in the room in-between Chloe and her parents room. We got it all set up, ate dinner and we all went to our rooms to fall asleep. I cried myself to sleep, but so no one could hear.

"Good morning Chloe." I said faking excitement.
"Good morning (M/N), why so happy?" Chloe asked a little confused.
"I don't know I just fell happy today." She gave me a confused face then went to brush her teeth.
We then all did our morning routines.
"Are you sure you want to go to school (M/N)?" Asked Chloe's mom for the billionth time.
"Yes, I'll be perfectly fine." I said the sweetest I could.
"Ok well have a great day at school today you two." Said Chloe's parents in unison.
Then me and Chloe walked to the bus stop, when the bus arrived we got on.
When I walked on all chattering stopped and everyone started looking at me sympathetically or whispering about why I'm going to school after my parents death. Me and Chloe found a empty seat and sat next to each other. Everyone sitting near me said "I'm sorry about your parents" or "Are you ok?". I just answered " thank you" or "I'm fine".
Ethan just ignored my existence not saying a word not bullying me, not calling me names, just nothing.
Then the bus got to school, like on the bus people said nice things being nice, not bullying me or being rude to me. Throughout the entire day every one was nice to me or just ignored my existence. When school ended we got on the bus got off went home, said hi to her parents did our homework (the teachers didn't give me any because of the accident). Then we ate dinner and everyone went to there rooms to sleep. Yet again I cried my eyes out that night, making sure no one could hear it outside my room. But I didn't realize someone was listening, a certain serial killer...


Jeff The killer x MALE reader FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now