The Shooting

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This is my confession
As dark as I am I will always find enough light
To adore you to pieces
With all of my pieces

I woke up, what felt like 5 minutes later, but was probably a lot more than that. I looked around me and saw that I was in someone's back yard, still in the same dress that Rebekah gave me years ago. I quickly phased, running back into the woods, looking around, trying to see if I could smell Klaus anywhere around. I passed the town and kept in the trees along the road. I caught the scent I was looking for suddenly, when not 2 seconds later there was a searing pain in my leg and a loud bang.

I fell to my side and changed back from the pain. A man was soon kneeling right beside me. "You were a wolf...weren't you? I need to stop drinking while hunting..." He muttered.

"You think?" I whispered shakily.

"I'll get you to the doctor, don't worry girly." He lifted me into his arms roughly making me cry out before running back to town and running into a building. "Where's the doctor! Please? She's dying!" He yelled and a man ran over.

"He's at the Mikaelson's for supper." Klaus? He's at Klaus' house? "I'll take you in my carriage!" He said as I was taken and put into the carriage and covered in a blanket. "Why is she naked?" He questioned getting in as I was flashing in and out.

"Don't know, found her like that. Thought I was shooting a wolf, then when I walked over, she had a bullet in her leg." He sounded so scared. It didn't take long to get to the Mikaelson's, but as soon as we did the man was pounding on the door rapidly. "Please Lord Elijah, is the doctor here?"

"He is, doctor!" He called and I heard quick footsteps.

"I shot her, it was a mistake doc, please help her?" The man begged and the doctor was soon looking at me from above and taking the blanket off.

"There's a lot of damage, I can try my best but I can't promise anything."

"You can come back anytime doctor, I wish you luck." I heard Elijah speak again.

"Need...him..." I whispered trying to get up but the doctor held me down.

"Who? Who do you need child?"

"Lijah...Eli...ELI!" I shouted as loud as I could manage and the doctor looked up.

"It seems she knows you my lord."

"Impossible, we just moved 2 days ago."


"Klaus is your brother yes?" The doctor asked.

"Yes he is. Let me see her face." He said and a man helped me sit up. "Jesus! KLAUS! REBEKAH! KOL! FINN! HENRIK!" He shouted jumping into the cart and lifting me. "You can operate here, get inside. You, follow me and tell me what happened." He said carrying me inside.

"What is it Elijah?" Someone asked.

"Henrik, go get Klaus, now! Tell him Abigail is back!" He said and Henrik gasped, rushing upstairs as I was laid on a table.

"Abigail!" I heard Rebekah's voice yell and she quickly had my hand.

"What Happened!?" I heard my mate shout as he appeared next.

"Doctor, get that bullet out of her leg." Kol compelled and the doctor grabbed his bag.

"You, tell me what happened." Elijah instructed.

"Well, I was hunting, and I saw this giant white wolf, biggest one I've ever seen in my life, like, bear size, I swear to god. So, I shot it. When I went over to look at it, it wasn't there anymore, she was laying there, with a bullet in her leg, stark naked. I have no clue what happened."

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