Love Is Only Pain

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I couldn't believe I was starting my forth year at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry, in fact I still couldn't believe I was a witch considering I was muggle born, my parents didn't know what to say, it was a shock to my family. As well as that I had two best friends Luna Lovegood and Lucy Snape, Lucy Snape was the daughter of Severus Snape. Anyway on the train I was sitting with Luna and we were discussing all the boys that we fancied or maybe had a crush on once 

"I think Harry's really nice" Luna said 

"He is ok, he's heroic and loyal."  I said

"I wished he would ask me to the yule ball '' Luna sighed

Just then Lucy appeared at the door, she slid it open and sat herself down opposite Luna and me

"Hi guys! Have a nice summer?" Lucy asked 

"Yeah it was alright I guess, but it sucks to be muggle born, I miss magic so much" 

"I hate to show off here, but I do magic all the time just because dad said I could make the potions" She bosted 

"Alright for some isn't it Luna" I said gloomily 

"Yes, indeed for some..." 

"Oh but I have better news than potions!" 

"Anything's better than potions!" I said 

"Whatever, your not going to believe this but over the holidays Fred Weasley asked me out!" 

"No way!" Luna shrieked  

"I guess you didn't say yes?" I repled jokily

"Yes way! AND I did! He should be here any minute...Dad disapproves but oh well that's his problem" 

"Very true..." I said in deep thought 

But I fancied someone else a boy who could never like me the same way as I liked him, because I was a mud-blood.  

¨Hey Louise what you thinking about?¨ said Luna curiously 

¨What?, Oh sorry i have things on my mind at the moment¨ 

¨OK¨ replied Luna anxiously. 

¨Hey, were almost at Hogwarts I can see the castle from here!¨ Lucy said excitedly. 

´´Oooww! ´´ I shrieked

´´What´s wrong? ´´ Lucy asked

´´Spike just bit me´´


´´Not funny Lucy´´

Spike was my owl he was a Barn Owl but the thing is he sometimes bites, its really annoying. Anyway when we got off the train ad walked to Hogwarts, we had to go into our houses, Luna was in Ravenclaw, me and Lucy in Gryffindor. But I did wish to be in Slytherin sometimes.

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