How to Study
First of all, turn off your phone or any gadgets that could cause you distractions from focusing on your review. Like how I turned of all of our connections so I could concentrate on moving on and letting you go...
Next, prepare your study notes, study guides and anything that makes you be enthusiastic about studying. I was like that when I decided to let you go, I prepared all the tissues for tears and notebooks where I could write my feelings and hatred.
Then start studying... Study as if you're going to take a licensure exam or lifetime supply of pizza test. You're lucky you're given a chance to study, unlike me. I haven't studied and reviewed How to Mend a Broken Heart 101 and I wasn't aware that I am going to take this test of my life which is the Immense Heartbreak.
Do not ever give up of studying and do not think that you're going to fail no matter how less of a sleep you've been having... I did not give up too. I am not giving up of believing in true love. I know someone whose woman I will be will come. You must not give up too, you'll pass!
And there you have it... My very own tips on how to study effectively. May you not be an irregular student and see you next sem!
Poetrymostly vain statements, unfathomable and fail poems, futile words, and vast, deep and depressing thoughts x i will post about anything here, can be sad, can be not. it depends x sometimes i get quotes from books, movies, tv series and songs. sometim...