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Kim: *walking to class* 

Zack: Kim right? 

Kim: Yeah. *smiles shy* 

Zack: Look, I wanted to invite you to our house party. Would you like to come? 

Kim: *chuckles* I would like to, when is it? 

Zack: It's tonight, it's only for us college students. *hands him the flyer* Come. *smiles and leaves* 

Kim: *looks at the paper and puts it in her bag* 

Louis: Hi. *smiles* 

Kim: Louis?! Hi. *smiles shy* 

Louis: I saw that you got an invitation from Zack. 

Kim: Yeah, I did, did you? 

Louis: Yeah, everyone got one. I'm glad you're going. *smiles* 

Kim: *chuckles softly* I'll go if you go. 

Louis: The lads and I are going. *smiles* I'll see you tonight then. 

Kim: *smiles* Yeah, I'll see you tonight after I'm done with class. 

Louis: *hugs kim and walks off* 

(Later That Night) 

Zack: Can you guys believe Kim is actually gonna be coming here? 

Louis: Yeah, I saw that you invited her. 

Zack: She's a loser, I didn't want to make her feel left out. 

Zayn: That's not really nice. I mean, she's not attractive or anything, but I think she's a really sweet and nice girl. 

Niall: Yeah, she's friends with everyone. She's a nice girl like Zayn said. 

Liam: I'm glad you invited her; maybe we can become friends with her. 

Louis: Yeah, she'll make a great friend. 

Zayn: Yeah. 

Zack: You don't want to be friends with that kind of girl. *joking* She's psycho. 

Kim: *rings the doorbell* 

Zack: That must be her. *opens the door* Kim, you came. 

Kim: *shy* Yeah, I did. I wasn't sure if this was the right place?  

Zack: Yeah, it is, it's my house. *chuckles* Glad you can make it, come in. 

Kim: *walks in* 

Louis: Kim! *smiles and waves to kim* 

Kim: *waves back to Louis shy* 

Louis: *walks up to kim* You came. 

Kim: Yeah, I did.  

Zack: Come with me Kim. *grabs kims hand and walks to his room* 

Louis: *looks at kim go* 

Kim: What are we doing in here? 

Zack: Take off your clothes. 

Kim: Excuse me? 

Zack: *locks his door* Take it off. 

Kim: *scared* No. 

Zack: *walks to the table and takes out a blade* Are you gonna take it off or not. 

Kim: *runs for the door* 

Zack: *grabs kim by the hair and throws her onto the ground* 

Kim: *screams and cries* Why are you doing this. 

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