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The wind was racing past the trees. Aaron just woke up, got out of bed and got dressed. He normally eats breakfast but today was a special day. He was metting up with his friends Rohini and Katie. He normally meets up with them every weekend, and that day was no exception.

He rushed out the door, and went strait to the swings, near the mill. There, standing was Rohini and Katie. Rohini had her same old jumper on, where Katie had her pink shirt on. Aaron was wearing a jumper with short jeans.

They set off to the Holy Bush park were there favourite park was. They then went down to the field, which backed onto a big park, called Knole. The park was 1,000 acres. With trees and deer's all there, the 3 kids decided to go and explore. As they walked in, they passed the golden golf course. They then walked deeper and deeper in the park.

There was an open field in the opening of the park. It had a long stretch of path. They were not aware of this area before, but they we not scared. They were fearless.

Aaron said "Where are we again?"

Rohini replied, "I know where we are."

Not being reassured Aaron looked on his phones GPS.

"Err, I have lost signal!" said Aaron, in a terrified voice.

"So have I." said Katie, who had just been texting her boyfriend Tyler.

Rohini checked her IPhone,

"So have I, but who cares?"

They were now in the middle of nowhere, but not knowing the danger ahead of them...

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