Chapter 1: The Bus Ride

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Rochelle's POV
If I was gonna catch the bus I needed to leave my house NOW. It was 7:00 and the bus comes at 7:05, and it takes a few minutes to walk down to the bus stop by Luke's house. My little brother ran up to me. "Rochelle can you fix my toy?" He asked me holding up his broken fire truck, the thing was broken entirely in half, who knows how. "Sorry Kyle I can't do that right now, I have to catch the bus." I told him as he gave me a goodbye hug. I yelled bye to my mom as I walked out the door. After I got to the end of my driveway I pulled out my phone to call Jeff who lives a few houses down in case he was still home. It rang four times before he answered. "Hey where are you?" He asked me. "Walking up to the bus stop, are you still home?" "Nope. I'm up at the bus stop, Luke isn't here yet." He told me. "Ok see you." I said as I hung up my phone and put it back in my pocket. Luke lives right next to the sidewalk that's the bus stop, so all he needs to do is walk a few feet. I passed by the pond and Jeff's house. Ugh why do my parents have to be divorced, don't they ever think about what I think? I mean they always tell me they're doing it for me and Kyle but I don't understand how it's good for us. I barely get to see my dad and when I do he has to work like 40% of the time. I really wish I was at the creek behind my house, it always helps me think, or calm me down. Most of the time it's just fun to be there, it helps. But I can't go there because I have school. I rolled my eyes as I thought about it. A car definitely going over the speed limit came zooming past me. I turned and put my arms out. "Hey! Watch where your going!" I yelled at him. I took out my phone and took a selfie before examining it. My dark brown pony tail was in mid sway and so on fleek. Looking at the selfie I realized that I'm actually pretty tan, and that my brown eyes were like, really brown. I tripped over the side curb and almost tripped in my uggs. I fell on the wet grass.

Every morning my mom drives me down to Brody's driveway since that's where the bus stop is. She pulled up to the driveway and I opened the door. "Have a good day at school L" she said as she drove away. "I'll try." I muttered. I turned around to check if Brody and his cousin who lives next door, Jackie, we're waiting in Brody's garage. Sure enough they were there, avoiding me like always. Well there's the bus. I forget every once in a while that the bus is automatic, no bus driver needed. People just enter in the roots and where to stop, then when getting off the person just programs it to go where it needs to go, I forget where since I zoned out thinking about new rad ways to speak and stuff at that moment in the assembly at the beginning of the year. I sighed. Eighth grade can suck hella much sometimes. The bus pulled up and Brody and Jackie started to walk down the driveway. Typical. I got on the bus and like always, there was Luke in the third seat from the front. I sat down next to him, like always. Jackie sat down next to Rochelle and Jeff, Brody, and Josephine, who everyone just calls Jo, were sitting alone. Jo gets on the bus at Jeff Luke and Rochelles bus stop. "Oh my god my ass is still wet." "What?" Brody asked from across the aisle from them and right behind Luke and I. "She fell on the wet grass on her way here." Jo said to us as she typed on her phone. I was watching the houses go by. Then, gray metal went over all the doors and windows of the houses all around. "Woah guys did you see that?" I asked them as I stood up.

Luke's POV
When L stood up and told us to look at the houses we all did. The security systems that have been sold all over town seemed to shut everyone inside their homes, and we were the only people outside because our bus is out before the others and people haven't gone to work yet. "What the hell?" Brody said as he looked at the houses. When we got to the next bus stop, no one was there. There was no sign of human life outside of everyone's houses. For the next few bus stops, no one was there. "Ok what's happening this is obviously a malfunction, right?" I asked them. Jeff nodded his head. "Yeah, yeah it has to be, but every building in town has this system." He said to me. "Look! There's Drew!" Jackie yelled pointing to Drew standing at his bus stop looking at the houses. He got on the bus. "Did anyone else notice the security systems?" He asked as he checked the route to the school. He say down next to Brody. "Nooooo we thought it was decorations Drew." Jo said as she repositioned herself on the bus seat. This was getting oddly movie like. We just had to get to the school. Get to the school, figure out what to do next. Get to the school, figure out what to do next. "Get to the school, figure out what to do next." I accidentally repeated out loud. "Good plan. We can look for others once were there." Rochelle said. "Can't we call someone?" Jeff asked us. "Nope. These security systems don't allow calls in or out, it's for emergencies only." Jo said. "How do you know all of this?" L asked her. "A good family friend invented the whole security system." She told us and she put her phone away and stood up to get off the bus. We were at school. We all got off the bus and we stood there as it drove away, looking at the ghost school. "There's no way that were the only people here." Jackie said looking sound. "I mean, look at this place Jac, it's deserted." Brody said. Two people came around the corner. "Oh thank god we thought we were the only ones here." Drew said to them. It was my two friends, Spencer and Layla. "Do you guys know what's going on other than the security system?" Spencer asked us. "No, do you guys?" Drew asked. "Nope, looks like we're the only people here. Lets go." Layla said as we started walking into the school. The crisp October air on our faces, and I'm not gonna try to hide it, something felt off about this place, and I was terrified.

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