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POV of Alice

"Oh hello caterpillar, did you say hi to Alice?" Hatter asked.

"That's not Alice" replied the caterpillar

"Of course it is, you see her dress and that patch right there I put it there, after the queen tried to trick me with a clone of Alice, and also the patch matches the patch on my hat"

"No, no,no" I said with a confused face," my mother put that patch there when I ripped my dress outside"

"Wow Alice, funny story but-"

"Its not a story, it true"

"Wow I think she has finally gone mad" said caterpillar.

"Haha good one"

"How could you put the patch there if I don't even know you" I yelled out in frustration.

"What!? How do you not know me Alice, its me Hatter, you're friend Hatter"

"You're Hatter?!"

"Yes,yes Hatter"

"Sorry don't know you"

"Very Funny Alice, come on we have to go, goodbye caterpillar" he grabbed my hand.

"Goodbye Hatter"

"Go? Where are we going?" I asked pulling my hand out of his grasp.

"To the White Queen of course, it's not like we're going to the Red Queen"

"Why not the Red Queen?"

"Because Alice she is dangerous" he said seriously.

"Nobody's dangerous, animals are dangerous-"

"Alice she wants to kill you"

"Wait what!?"

"Last time you came to Wonderland you killed her pet Jabberwocky"

"Wonderland? No I'm supposed to be in England, this is England...right?"

"No Alice this is Wonderland"
I stopped and fell to my knees, "I didn't do that, I'm not Alice, no, not that Alice"

"That's what I've been trying to say" said the caterpillar,blowing smoke into my face again.
Cough cough " I have to go, how do I go back to England" my eyes started to turn glassy.

"Alice" Hatter says with his hands on my shoulders "We don't know how to get you back, but I know one thing, you must fulfill your destiny of killing the Red Queen"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2015 ⏰

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