Ch. 1: The Child Lost and Found

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((Enjoy reader -(^-^)/ ))

In the orphanage a small child dwelled for five years since birth. The owners stare down at the little five year old with disgust. They have repeatedly tried to rid of the child but no one would take her. Why you ask? It's because of her eyes. They conceal evil yet they show pureness. Those unnatural glowing irises made many fear them from what they hold inside. As it is said the eyes are the windows to your soul. And if that's true this small child's soul holds both an angel and a foul demon within.

A year passed by and the owners couldn't take it anymore. There hate grew more and more for the innocent child. So in late December one of the owners took the child to New York saying that there was a family waiting for her there. Upon arriving at the busy city of New York, the owner took her to stand in front of a small store, where the one owner said with a scowl," Now you fou-I mean child-the family shall be here soon so stay right here and wait. I shall be back soon." With that the owner left her and went in the direction of the airport. But the small girl had no knowledge of that. So the small six-year-old stood there and waited patiently for her new family to appear.

She just stood there and waited, smiling happily at the thought of finally having a place where she can truly call home. So she stood in front of a small store and waited. But unknown to the girl the horrid orphanage owner was already on the plane to get back to California. And that there will be none to adopt her.

But as she waited the gods who watched her from the heavens got angry at the orphanage who tricked her. Zeus was one of the few who showed his anger the most. So unconsciously his anger showed through to the world below. Where the lightning clashed down and the thunder boomed in the sky. Poseidon was just as angered as Zeus whom also unconsciously had his anger show. So the oceans of the world twist and turn violently. Waves clashing viciously together and the sailors out in the ocean left to be at the mercy of both sky and sea.

While down in the underworld everything was in complete chaos as well. The flames building up from his anger. The souls of the tormented screams only got louder. The dark cavern shook violently from the extent of their rulers rage. The realm of the Underworld was now in more chaos than its usual setting.

Unknowing to all of this the child still waited innocently. But now the child has waited over four hours patiently. And still no one has shown themselves. And she started to get cold and tired. Up in the heavens the god of war did love violence-very much so in fact, but he found what the others chaotic activities a bit too much for him and the world below as well. So being done with the problems in hand he left the realm of Olympus and down to the world where the god's children and humans dwelled. Arriving in New York in his normal human attire he walked toward the still smiling yet saddened child.

Proceeding closer to the child who was looking up at the sky sadly. She whispered in a soft broken voice she questioned seemingly no one yet everyone at the same time, "Why? Why is it everyone hates me? Why is it just me? What did I do? I thought I have been a good girl. So why?" He overheard her sadden please of why her life is so rotten. So deciding to answer the child's questions he gruffly stated, "You have done nothing to deserve all this hatred. There are others who care for you so no worries on that. In Fact they are raging right as we speak." Hearing his gruff voice the six-year-olds head whipped quickly to his figure.

Seeing her face clearly now. He saw the traces of tears that brimmed at the edges of her vibrant turquoise eyes. That showed mostly grief and loneliness. With a still broken voice she questioned, "Then where are the people who care? I thought the orphanage people cared for me...but I seemed to have been wrong. If there are people who can care for me then where? And what do I have to do to finally meet them? I-I want to not be alone anymore b-but t-there is no one. N-no one there. There has never been anyone! My existence is just a curse! No one...No one would want a demon like me!" This sudden outburst and what she had to say was more than just a shock to the gods who heard her.

So staring down at the girl who now had tears flowing freely down her pale face. He said confidently, "I am one of those who care for your wellbeing kid. And just so you get this through your little skull. You are by far NOT a demon what so ever. And I know others who can't be here right now that really care for you. Now then why don't I go get you something to eat you have to be at least a bit hungry. And I think I know a nice joint around here. So how 'bout it kiddo?" The god of war finished asking carelessly outstretching his hand for her much smaller one to grasp onto. So with great hesitation the small girl walked towards his awaiting outstretched hand.

An inch away from touching his hand she looked up to look at his hidden eyes and answered his small question. "Actually I am a bit hungry. But before I allow you to take me there I have a question who are you? And why would you try and make me feel better. I already know I am both a demon and have a curse over my life. The Orphanage- That place made it quite clear on what I am." He smiled sadly, but then smirked. Answering smug-ishly he stated, "My name is Ares but you can call me that or uncle. I don't give a fu-" Lightning flashed dangerously close above them and the Earth below them rumbled in a silent yet vicious warning. Which caused him to give out a nervous chuckle and cough. " I mean I don't really care what you call me. So what can I call you?"

The small girl smiled with joy her unique eyes glowing with happiness and pride. She found someone who wants to know her. Someone who can be her family. Smiling brightly she answers, "My name is Raven Wolf. It's nice to meet you Uncle Ares."

((Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter see ya next time

Love, Kisacatdemon~))

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