Bad ideas surface

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Chapter 2
"We need to go to my house and tell my mom we will be trick or treating ok" Wing told Raven. As they rode their bikes to wings house they entered the house and found a note saying "Wing I have gone to your grandfather's house up in Manhattan he is terribly ill I have asked Ravens parents if you can stay with them and they said it was fine have fun." After reading the note they went back to Ravens house and got everything they needed. "Now let's go get some candy we are wasting time" "Fine alright let's go but no splitting up ok" "OK." And the two girls got back on their bikes and rode to the next street over.
This street was completely deserted except for a few other kids. As they went door to door getting candy something about Wings appearance changed. She now had blood shot eyes and a deep voice. As she scared more and more kids she seemed to get pleasure out of their screams. "Hey maybe we should go home its getting pretty late don't you think?" Raven was so scared that something else might go wrong.

The night the demon was releasedWhere stories live. Discover now