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"Come on Ro, do it properly" Aleks whined as his Romanian boyfriend was once again not doing what he wanted him to.
"But BulBul I am doing it properly see?" Vlad responds showing his 'portrait' to Aleks who did not seem to be amused by it
"It's literally a stick man, I mean that could be anyone and I wouldn't know" he sighed knowing it'll take a long time to get Vlad to take him seriously
"But what if I... add this on?" He said as he quickly added a tuff of hair onto the stick man
"all you did was add hair"
"it's an improvement though"
"not really"
"I know it's HAIRable" Vlad said while jokingly nudging Aleks
All Aleks could do was put his face into his hands as once again Vlad had made an excruciating pun
"Why do I even bother with you sometimes" he said as he lifted his face out of his palms
"Come on Bul they're not that bad are they" Vlad questioned curiously
"Well..." he started
he paused not knowing how to phrase what he wanted to say
After what felt like eternity he spoke up
"I guess sometimes they can be funny"
Vlad's face lit up as a big toothy smile spread across his face
"See I told you they can be funny at times" he gloated in his self pride
"Yeah yeah you win" he said playing along with Vlad's little joke laughing a bit as Vlad always looked funny when gloating
"What are you laughing at?!" Vlad blurted out in a flustered fashion
"Tell me"
" It's just that you look so funny and adorable when you gloat" Aleks simply stated
"I'm not adorable" Vlad hid his face to hide his embarrassment
"Yeah you do" Aleks chuckled pulling Vlad's head into his lap his emerald eyes peering into Vlad's crimson pools.
They stayed like this for about 5 minutes until Vlad spoke up
"You know... you need to smile more often" Vlad said softly
"huh? why?"
"Simple, your smile is pretty" Vlad giggled as it was now Aleks's turn to be embarrassed as he turned his head away
Vlad lifted his head up from Aleks's lap so that they were level. Vlad reached towards Aleks and tilted his head so that they were facing each other
"What are yo-" Aleks was cut off as Vlad as softly placed his lips onto Aleks's
"Sorry" Vlad apologised as he broke the kiss
"No it's fine... um weren't we suppose to be doing something again?..."
"you mean..." Vlad said as he reached behind him and grabbed the papet "This?" shoving it into Aleks's face. Aleks smacked the paper out of Vlads hand and screwed up the drawing
"Do it properly"
"Please? For me?"
"Fine..." Vlad sighed in defeat "For you..."
"Hey Vlad?"
"Обичам те"
"Și eu te iubesc"

Portraits - Bulro OneshotWhere stories live. Discover now