Cliche much?

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I read a few rants on Wattpad about how cliched some of the stories here are. And well, it was about time that I did a bit of ranting myself. Not because all the stories sound the same but because I would really like to read something new. 


"It was just like any other morning. My alarm clock blared and as I turned to see the time, I realized I was late. I changed, stuffed my mouth with toast and skipped into my bff's *insert car name here* with *insert unwanted features of the car here*. 

*Insert bff's name here* was my best friend for *insert no. of years*. We went to the same school and did everything together. 

We soon arrived at school. *Insert name of school here* was a typical high school and I was a nobody there. 

As I walked through the hall, I saw *insert popular boy's name* standing there with his football/basketball/hockey/whatever team mates. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the head cheerleader *insert popular girl's name here* approach him and was all over him in an instant. She was such a slut."

Now how many stories have you read that contained atleast one aspect of the above?

Things I've learnt from the above:

1. You are supposed to be well informed about all the features of their best friend's car.

2. Protagonist should always be a nobody because being somebody is just wrong and doesn't sound good.

3. Popular boy should always be captain of a sport's team because he is incapable of anything else. Oh, that and flirting.

4. Popular girl is always a slut because being a good person who dresses decently and helps other people gets you no where but getting in their pants does.

Are you effing kidding me? You take the time, come on Wattpad, make an account to write the same thing that every other person is and you still expect yourself to be called original? Good luck with that! 

Humor, Teen-fic, Fan-fic, Romance, Adventure. There's a reason they are considered as genres. Because they are different! Not the same cock-and-bull story over and over and over again. 

And then there's always the blame game. So-and-so plagiarized my work. If changing the name of the characters and re-posting your story is called plagiarizing, then guess what? YOU DID IT TOO!


I'm going to let you people decide about the following cliches. I mean no offence to anyone but I had to get this out.

1. Playboy vs. Nerd

"Boy messes around with girls. Girl is a silent nerd. Boy needs help with homework. Girl helps him. No one knows. Girl likes boy. Boy likes girl. Insert slutty girlfriend. Gf spread rumors about girl. Gf hurts girl. Boy does not stand up for girl. Girl cries. Girl goes home. Boy realizes error of his ways. Screws over slutty gf. Apologizes to girl. Boy does daring stunt in front of school to win girl back. Boy happy. Girl happy. They get together and live happily. Tens years later they have kids."

Very realistic, don't you think?

2. Fangirl vs. 1D

"Girl loves one direction. Screams off her hormonal face at every concert of theirs. Wants desperately to meet them. Girl and band member meet by twitter/skype/accidental letter/facebook. Band member falls in love with girl. Girl already is in love with boy. They meet up. They have fun. Boy introduces other band members. They start dating. Paparazzi find out. Problem starts. Problem solved. They live happily ever after."

Sometimes I really hope the band members of 1D read some of the stories here. I recently read one that should've been rated xxx. That's higher than R! And they're by kids who are no older than 17!

3. Vampire vs. human girl

"Girl meets extremely hot and pale guy. Girls swoons over with infatuation. Guy tells her that he's a vampire. Girl is okay with that. Girl skips away with vampire boyfriend leaving family and friends behind. Girl almost gets killed in every chapter. Insert adult scene after every rescue mission. Insert bad-ass werewolves. Guy finally turns girl into vampire and they live happily ever after."

A new variant of such stories: "Guy tells girl that he is a vampire prince". Yeah, that's it. That's the frigging variant. One line!

Whatever the hell happened to Bram Stroker's Dracula?!

4. Werewolves vs. anything-that-can-be-mated-upon

"Girl meets extremely gorgeous guy. Guy hangs with a group of hot guys. Guy tells girl that he's her mate and he's the alpha. Girl agrees like an idiot. Guy takes her away to a pack house. Parents and friends out of the picture. Girl and guy become intimate. Insert generic bad guys. Guy fights. Guy wins. Girl and guy make out. They live happily ever after and give birth to pups."


"Girl is a werewolf. Girl meets mate. Girl gets rejected by said mate. Girl goes away and becomes a hottie. Girl comes back. Mate fall in love with her. Girl refuses to be with him. Mate gives bull shit excuse for rejecting her. Insert war with rival pack. Guy almost dies. Girl confesses love. War is won. Girl and guy get together and give birth to pups."

WTF? If werewolves actually existed, they'd probably shoot themselves with a silver bullet after reading that crap!

Remus Lupin was a werewolf, not Taylor Lautner! I'm going to request such people to at least watch the 'Underworld' series.

5. Arranged marriages

"Girl's and boy's parents set up an arranged marriage between them to merge companies. Girl and guy made to live in same house. Girl and guy hate each other. Guy dates other girls and girl goes wild. Girl walks in on guy going at it. Girl cries. Girl walks out. Guy realizes his love for girl. Guy chases after girl. Guy and girl confess their feeling. They get married and live happily ever after."

Really people? I come from a place where arranged marriages are quite common and I'm pretty sure they do NOT sound like that. Oh and parents literally selling their kids are very common. Totally.


This is it for know. Again, I don't mean to offend.

I'm just pointing out some obvious things that peeved me. More on the next chapter which I plan to eventually write because trust me, I rant a lot. And I realized that I can share them.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2013 ⏰

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