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*rae to the side*----->

          I race the wind. It whips through my hair, cooling my hot head. It sweeps me off of my feet, and wipes my mind clear. The forest is sound, only the quiet rhythm of my heart beating. The trees sway as if they are listening to there own silent tune. Their trunks are tall, thick and scarred, reaching for the stars with their tangled mess of arms.

The air is crisp and still. But I keep moving. Pushing my legs to go faster. My lungs start to burn with every breath I take. The daylight is soon to come, I have to stop. I ignore my strong urges to keep going and start to slow. I have ran all night. Surely I was going to collapse if I went onward.

I come to a complete stop, to lean on a neighboring tree. It was bearded with moss and had moist bark from the previous rain. I press my palms against it for support. The sky soon turns a mud purple, from an arising sun. While I drift away.  Like leaves dancing in the wind.  Until I hear the crunch of a twig.

I then turn my body and grab an arm of a tree to pull myself upward. I place my foot on the second branch and scurry up to the top. When I look down I see the imposter, a wiry tree-dwelling rodent, we call a squirrel. I should have seen that coming, but it's better to be safe than sorry.

Don't get me wrong I am an experienced street fighter but I am in a weak state. Whilst I have ran for 3 days straight.  I could go on, but I have a couple of gangs running from me, and I need to save the energy. 

The bright of the morning shines through the sun stained leaves, letting me know it's time to start heading towards the city.  Once more. 

Although this time I was going to walk.   I jumped from the tree branch and landed on the ground perfectly.   Causing a low crackle from the leaves beneath my feet.  I walk alone, in peace.

But my thoughts go wild.  This city was going to be different.  Unlike the others this was my home town.   A safe zone for gangs running from me.  I haven't stepped foot there since the day I left.   But it had to be done.  Some 7 gangs are waiting there without a worry.  They had to be eliminated.  When ever I killed of a gang I killed all their connections as well, making me...seem..dangerous.     But going to my old town, means I have to finish high school.   I mean picture a 17 year old girl living in a crummy apartment and not going to school.  Sketchy right?

Child services would catch hint and eventually piece together the whole story.  "Lost girl found after 3 years of disappearance!"

No, I would never reveal myself.  I needed to stay low, keep subtle.  And No one, and I mean NO one will know a single thing.

I didn't know how much I walked but I knew I was far from the forest.   I could feel the depleted soil and the dirt coated stones under the material of my shoe.  It was a dirt road leading to the asphalt one, of the city. 

The city.  My hometown. They. THEM.

I have to block the old fear thats seeping through the undone seams of my walls.   And keep moving, just... Keep moving.   

The road stretched over hills and I already knew It was going to be a long time until I reached the asphalt.  I was tired and needed these gangs off my shoulders.  It was like a bag of weights I was hauling around everywhere with me.  They were going down, and certainly not in history. 


The gutters were overflowing with oil water, and the sidewalk was cracked in two.   The smell was overwhelming and hit me like a ton of bricks.  It smelt of dried piss, and piles of garbage.   Even in the pouring rain, it could not wash away the unsanitary aroma.   I did not belong here.

My legs were beyond tired and I was drained.   The flashing lights of the traffic didn't help the fact I was annoyed.  I just wanted to sleep.     It was late and I needed a place to rest.   I then decided on a nearby motel up a couple blocks down the road.  

But I couldn't help but notice a red truck following my trail.  Ignoring the stoplights earning it a few honks.  When I stopped, it stopped.   When I went, it went.  

I then saw a flash of a white light appear on the drivers face.   A middle aged man was following me.    He didn't look friendly, with an evil look in his eyes.    At that moment in time I decided I was going to end up fighting him off.  No matter how tired I was.

He obviously didn't know who I was, otherwise he would be turning his truck around at the next light.    It was a routine for him, I knew it was.   Find a random girl at night and follow them, rape them, kill them.  It wouldn't even be in the news the next morning because it was such a common event here.   Unless of course it was someone important.  

I walk to a darker more secluded part of the city.   Then stopped and stay still, pretending I was lost.   

And he eventually catches up and slows.

I carefully watch his movements, just to make sure he doesn't pull anything.

"Hey!  Lil' Girl why don't cha make yer way over here and I can take ya home"  He slurs.  I know he isn't drunk but only pretending.  I know all their games. 

Even though he spoke I don't reply but only wait.  

"What's a purty girl like you doin' out this late?"  he says a little more aggravated from my lack of answer.

I walk toward a nearby street light to stand underneath it.

"I don't know.." I say lowly.

He grins showing his disgusting crooked yellow teeth.

"Ahh.  Why don't cha get in the van.... I can make you glad you're out ere''

I mentally cringe at his vulgar choice of words.

"No" I say with power with my back to him.

"Awe, that's to bad, cuz I naw really given' your a choice.  Aren' I?"

That's when he slams the door open and runs out to get me. 

But I am quicker.   I turn my body around and I do it fast.   I smirk. 

That's when he stops dead in his tracks.  Not one of his victims would show such emotion, only...


I lift my hood.  And, reveal my true identity.  One thing I never do, unless your going to be killed.  And he knew that. 

I pulled the shiny black gun out of my boot, slowly to add effect. 

And he just stood there waiting for his upcoming fate to kill him.  He didn't even put up a fight, it was useless.  I always and I mean always win.

I held in front of the center of his forehead. 

And Pulled the trigger


Dear nice people,
I actually have no idea what to write here :P but most writers do it so... Hi?
Lol I don't even know but hope you enjoyed the first chapter. :)



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