
28 2 1

'You can't wake up, your not dreaming.'


It rained, harder. By this point I was saturated in the pouring rain. The Moisture in the air was hot and sticky. I really need to get to that motel now, and quick. I sigh, annoyed.

I watched him, one last time. Before He grunted and fell to the ground.  I laugh, this whole situation was pathetic. Just like the fact I am reluctant to stay here. It's funny how without saying a word you can hate yourself. Just by the things you think about.

But a thought popped in my head. Why not steal his car?

The keys are in the ignition, it was an open invitation. It might be stolen, but at this point who cares?

I hopped in to the car to realized it was not vacant. I see a skinny girl in the corner in the back seat. She had a white cloth in her mouth with duck tape over it. Her hands and feet were chained together and her eyes were shut. She looked to be around the age of 12 or 13, maybe younger, but it didn't matter. What mattered was what the hell I was gonna do with a girl in the middle of the night with it raining this hard?!

Fuck this. Fuck my life. Fuck everyone.

I am so frustrated right now.

Think, think think.

Okay, option one throw her out of the van and get on with it. Or help her. Simple.


But without thinking I slammed the door and sped down the road. I was fuming. Could I not get a break?

But I when heard her stir in her sleep, I knew I was really fucked. What was I going to tell this girl if she woke up? Uh hi. You know the guy who drugged you and was about to rape you then kill you? Yeah... I killed him. Now tell me where you live because I need to get on with my life, and kill gangs. Okay? Yeah thanks!

Yeah, I was fucked.

I continued to speed down the road before I heard loud sirens from behind me.

Really? A police car?

I was not worried though. I knew I could lose him pretty quickly, but the problem was I was going to pass the motel. Sometimes police chases are just really inconvenient.

But right when I thought I had this covered the girl woke up. She started to scream for help, but thankfully it was soft since she had the cloth.

I went about ten times over the speed limit, until I made a sharp turn into a near by alleyway. And just as I thought, he lost me. I took a breath of relief, but the girls annoying muffled screams were getting me more and more pissed off by the second. Can't she see I am trying to help her.

Of course not Rae! She still thinks your the other guy.

I unbuckle my seat belt and climb into the back.  I see her widened eyes, but they instantly shrink when she realized it was another girl.  She probably thought I was another victim, and that was going to help her.   And that was partially true.  Yes, I decided to help her, I try not to get the innocent killed.   It was one of the few morals I had left.

I brought my finger up to my lip, to shush her.  And I instantly ripped the cloth and tape of.  She visibly flinched but was more relieved than anything else.  Her heavy breathing was not something that went unnoticed though.

She gulps.

"W-who are you? Did he get you to? OH GOD. Where is he?" She whisper yells.

"Please don't hurt me! I have a family who's probably looking for me right now!"

"Oh my god!"  She rants

"Do you not know how to not shut up?" I snap at her.

"Just let me help you okay?" I say to her.

She half nods.

"I need an ex-explanation." Her lip quivers.

Damn, she's weak.

"Look, I know your confused but I can't give you one.  I am going to take you home, simple as that."

"What about h-"

"He's dead. No more questions." I cut her off.

"Did you kill him?"

I take a long pause.


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