Day 1

36 1 1

Kid 1: She's wiping orange juice on my pants!
Kid 2: No, it's orange pieces!
Teacher: Why do you have oranges in class?
Kid 2: You told us to eat healthy
Teacher: NOT IN CLASS!
Kid 1: *points at kid 3* At least we aren't eating doritos like him!
Kid 3: *eating doritos* what?
Teacher: DETENTION! All of you! Is anyone else eating?
Kid 4: *raises hand* I'm eating kid 16's apple
Kid 16: I didn't have an apple, I had a pear
Kid 4: I'm allergic to pears! *swells up*
Teacher: *moves to Arizona*
*principal walks in*
*kids act like they're working*
Principal: What wonderful students! You can take the rest of the day off!
Kids: Yay! *trample principal running outside*

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