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*ding* The school bell rings. Everyone races to their lockers. Last out of class, I head to my locker. First thing, check phone.
Mom: Your father and I get off early today. I want dinner ready when we get off. No excuses.

Me: what do you want?

Mom: spagetti and meatballs. You have to go to the store after school.

Great. Now i have to go to the store, get home, AND make dinner before 5:30.
I check the clock on my phone. 3:30. Two hours; not enough time. I dash out of the school twords the stop and shop. ONLY a 30 minute walk. (Sarcasm)
Once I got to stop and shop i got everything I needed, then headed home. Fifteen minutes later, I checked my phone 4:57. Shit. I picked up my pase. I got to the house and looked around or the key I hid in the fake fern. Found it! I quickly fit the key into the key hole. Once everything was put away in its place, I started cooking the noodles. The sauce was added the meatballs were cooked and ready. I started plating the dinner when my parents walked in. Both of them put their bags on its hook along with their jackets. I finnished plating their dinner and sat their plates in front of them. They started eating. I got my father a beer and my mom a glass of wine. I set their beverages next to their plates. My father looked at his beer then at me. I realised my mistake when my father gave me a dirty look. I quickly grabbed his beer and ran back into the kitchen. I grabbed his black coosie and slid it on the bottle. Fast walking over to my impatient father,I set the bottle next to the plate. "Sorry " I said backing away twoards my homework table. Yes, my parents put a specified table in the dining room so they can watch me while they eat. Great right?!
I heard them both set their silverware on their plates, I got up and took their plates and got them a refill of their faveroite beverages. They worked quietley for five minutes them my father was the first to speek; "Delta Jane, get me another." Witout a word I got up from my table and poped open a third beer. I handed him the bottle and sat down. Three minutes later, he askes for another. I sigh and take the empty beer bottle from him. I walk into the kitchen and open the fridge. No more bottles. "Um..." I say walking away from the fridge and into the doorway of the diningroom. "Their are no more bottles. Would you like a can?" I said in a small whisper just loud enough to be heard. "Just get me another beer." He says slamming his fist on the table. I quicly grab him another beer. When they both finnished their work, my father had had 9 beers and my mother had had 6 glasses of wine. My father had asked for another beer and i walked into the kichen and opened the fridge. "There are no more"  I say standing in the doorway.  He got up and walked twords me.  "If you are lying to me little girl," He pushed me into the frame away from him. He goes over to the fridge and opens it. He rumages though the fridge. Then he suddenly stops and grins. He pulls his hand out if the fridge and has his finger wrapped around the aluminum can. 'Crap' i say in my mind.  He pops open the can and walks over to me. He finnished it down in three gulps. Holding the can in front of my face he crushes it in one swift crunch. I swallow hard. "You lied" he said sternly. I could smell the alcohol on his breath. "No. I didnt see it" i said quietly back to him. "What did you just say to me?" Oh god i actually said no to him. Uh oh. " I said no" I whispered in response. He chuckled under his alacholy breath. He slapped me. My head snapped left. Over and over he slapped me, kicked me, punched me, everything he could to hurt me.  Then he twisted my arm behind my back and started to push me out to the cellar. I hated the cellar. It is the one place I never wanted to go again.  
When I was 11, my younger brother, Jamie, and I were at the park. It started to getdark and we headed home. We got home too late. Mom and dad were sitting at the dinning table. Their heads snapped twords the door. Our laughs and smiles died down instantly. "Where were you two?" Father said. "We...we were at the park" I stutterd
"You were?"
"Yes" i whisperd 
"Are you lying!?"
"No" i said then slapped my hand over my mouth. Never say no to anwer to my father. He slapped me. Over and over agin. Then he finnished by punching me in the stomache. Jamie ran over to me. I hugged him and whisperd into his little 8 year old ear "be stong. I love you"   Then my father twisted my arm behind  me and pushed me into the cellar. I heard screaming and crying.  Then it all stopped. No words were spoken. No weeps were shed. Bones and my heart were the only thing shattered.I waited by the door to see my little brother . He never came into the cellar again.  Since then I havent spoken but to only get to the point in quick words.
End of flashback
My father let me out if the cellar about an hour ago. It was 1am. I need freah air. I went to my parents room to check if they were asleep. Thank god they were. I went back downstairs and to the front door. I opened the door and quickly ran out. Ahhh fresh air. I look up. The stars, so bright, so beautiful. I look at the street, one car passed. Then I look to my right. One car parked. And left, nothing. I started walking. The night air was so cold, but felt so good. Walking with my arms rubbing each other trying to keep warm. A van comes up behind me. I keep walking. The van doors open. Two men emerge fron the black van. I walk a bit faster but, one of the two quickly follows me. I takea sharp turn down an ally. A man steps in front of me. I stop and turn around. The other man is right behind me. I turn around once again. But this time, the man was holding a gun. I stop. "excuse me." I say quietly, trying to leave. But before I take a step, he cocks the gun. I stop . Then procede to walk. But the gun was against my head,making me stop. I try to run, but the man next to me grabbed both if my arms and held them behind my back with one hand and with the other he holds my ponytail pulling tight.I sigh. He lets go with one hand and holds the gun up to my head. "Walk" he said sternly. I obeyed. We walked to the van. I stop, he only holds the gun harder into my head, pushing me forward. I step into the van. There is three other guys sitting in the back of the van. The guy holding my pushed me in, making me fall to my knees; right in front of one of the guys in the back. The one with rope.

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