I am from
An old one story white house with rusted railings and fading paint
The only place I could always call home
It sounds like
The Mourning Doves and Common Grackle in the trees during the day
And my uncle yelling at the television in his room
It tastes like
My grandma's Fairy salad
A sugary marshmallow, pineapple, and whipped cream confection that almost melts in your mouth
Our family's little treasure
It feels like
The inferno that is the kitchen
A space where what you can make, is only limited by your imagination
Where every mistake, good or bad, is a lesson
My favorite place to express myself
I'm from
The ancient Willow tree
A colossal tree with long drooping branches always offering shelter from the blazing sun
Many days were spent there after school with friends
I'm from a trip to
My family's graveyard
A tranquil yet doleful place I've had to visit on too many occasions
I'm from
My strong, nurturing mom and a conscientious dad
She's always been supporting, my dad, a stranger I know only from pictures and stories
Both always just wanting the best for me
I'm from
"Stop crying... or I'll give you something to cry about"
Something that helped me toughen up
That made me discard my emotions
And to hide my true feelings behind smiles
I'm from
The life that my parents gave me
A chance to have and achieve my dreams
The ability to love and be loved
Or to hate and be hated
The greatest gift anyone could ever receive