ch 8 an ALMOAST laurmau chapter

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874 words not counting this!!

Laurence's pov
Fine I'm going...
Wait why should I tell you? So you can just get the rest of the guards and bring me back hear? Dante like I sayed a minute ago it's not safe for everyone els if I'm hear so I'm leaving if you want to know where I'm going you'll find me in Okasis. But don't come with intentions of bringing me back!

But Laurence Okasis is less safe for you then you being her is safe for all of us!

Well I'd much your safety over mine.

Laurence if you
leave promise me that you won't become a part of the jury of 9.

I'll promise you that much Dante. On gonna go say bye to every one.

Ok Laurence well I'm gona go now. (Dante starts to leave)

Waite Dante!

Yah Laurence?

Don't tell them I'm going to Okasis ok?

What do I tell them then hmm?

That I didn't tell you.

I don't want to lie to aph or Garroth.

Then change the subject and pretend you didn't hear them but if they ask again, I. Didn't. Tell. Got it rookie?

Heh hey don't call me rookie cuz when your gone I'll be on your place Laurence.

Oh and Dante five this to aph when I leave ok?
(hands later to Dante.)

Um ok what is it?

It's for Aphmau ok?

Ok Laurence.

Well I'm gona go say bye to people. Bye Dante.

(After he says "bye" to every one except Aphmau and Garroth)
Time for the hardest part saying bye to Aph and Garroth they'll be the hardest part. Garroth probably won't even miss me after what I've  done and aph she probably hates me for it to, I think I'll just leave.
~Time skip to at the gates~
Man am I gonna miss this place. GOOD BYE PHOENIX
DROP! I yelled as I lifted the gates just enough to crawl under and set off on my journey to Okasis.
I call Ungurth (he didn't die pretend aph just used her magicks pretend she already had those to) to fly me to Okasis. From hear it's about a two day flight. I lay on his back looking at the stars,

There as beautiful as aph if only she were hear with me to see them.

Who says I'm not?

I look over at where the voice was coming from but, nothing?
What w-who's there?

Over here now!
I look the other way, still nothing!
S-show your self!

Whoever it was they had a spot on aph voice!

You know Laurence for one of my former guards your not very good at knowing where I'm at!
Then an idea poped into my head! Oh yah! I pretend to start to look under my wyvren cuz a) that's where she is and b) I know she would go above me. So I actually flip over on to my back to find Aphmau flying above me. (Using her magics)

Aphmau how did you find me!?

Dante told me.

Ug really I told him not to gah he's annoying!

We both laugh.

Wait you told him not to tell me? Why?

Because I didn't want you to come get me.

But Laurence?

I-its not safe for everyone els if I'm there. That me that was about to punch Garroth wasn't me i-

Shadow Laurence I know.

He told you that to huh?

No I could just tell.

Really interesting. How?

I-i don't know it just felt dark and gloomie.

Oh well it's getting dark so we're gonna stop and camp here for the night you can stay if you want but if you do. Pleas don't follow me all the way to Okasis I don't wanna seem suspicious.


I thought Dante told you?

He told me you were going this direction.

Oh well I ruined that.

Laurence please comeback.

But Aph it'll put you and ev-

I know I know (in a mocking tone) It'll put us all in danger
Laurence you know there's a cure right?

A-a cure?

Yah a cure just pleas come back!

3rd person pov
Aphmau fell in to Laurence arms crying. (She sniffles)
Because id miss your quirky
Flirts id, miss seing you in the plaza, id miss our little games like when we fought over who got to date the table, (she giggles but is still crying) most of all Laurence, I'd miss just having you around and being there for me! Laurence pleas, come back home which me!?
(Now i know this looks like a Laurmau moment but I promise this this is a #GARMAU4LIFE book so don't hate meh pleas)

A-aphmau (he begins to cry)
Of course I'll come back!, but since you love Garroth, I get Table~kun!

Heh DEAL! She hugs him tight. But let's camp hear tonight. And head back tomorrow.

No need we've been talking all night, were already hear and its dawn! I mean we can camp outside of Phoenix stop for another thirty minute or so or we could lay back and stare at the stars for a while obviously as just friends seens how you love Garroth and I have table~kun.
(They both laugh)
Ok Laurence ok.

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