Chapter 2

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"Hey. You alright?" He walked up to me and put his arm around my shoulder.
"Hey. Yah-" cough. "I'm fine-" cough. "I just-" cough. "Have something in-" cough cough. "My throat." Cough cough cough. I stood there trying to catch my breath.
"You sure your okay? I can drive you to the doctor if you-"
"NO! I'm fine. I promise." Cough. Damn!! Why can't I stop coughing! My lungs feel as if they are on fire!
"Lemme know if you change your mind Vi."
"Okay. Thanks Cam." This boy is one of my best friends. I love him so much.
"Any time baby girl." He stood behind me and wrapped his arms around my neck. I'm short for my age. He's like 5 inches taller then me. Perfect height to rest his chin on my head-
"Wait.... Did you just call me baby girl?"
"Sure did baby girl. I like the sound of it." He smirked.
"Okay then..... Jellyfish."
"Jellyfish? Where the hell did that come from?!"
"Idk. I like it tho. Jellyfish. Has a nice ring to it."
"Whatever. Baby girl."
I saw the bus pull around the corner so I picked my bag up off the ground, and slung it over my shoulder.
"Hey you coming to the mall
With us today after school?" I ask Cam.
"Sure. Who's going?"
"Uh, so far me, you, Nash, Tate, Tay, Charlie, and Gabs."  I reply, listing our friends' names.
I look at him.
He looks at me.
I look at him.
He looks at me.
"The fuck you looking at?" I ask.
"Nothin' much."
We both laugh. And of course, after laughing comes coughing. Fuck. Am I getting the flu or something?!
"You sure your alright baby girl?"
I couldn't even manage to talk, I was coughing so much. So I just nod my head and he pats my back.
When the bus arrives at the school, I stand up, sling my bag over my shoulder and head towards the door.
"Hey V!"
I turn around to see Tate jogging up to me.
"Hey boi." I say as I smirk. He puts his arm around my shoulder and together we walk into the school.
We walk with his arm around me, and my arm around him, to my locker.
"Your coming with us after school right?" I ask.
"Hell yassssss. Tho why can't we do something fun?! Like break into a abandoned water park or some shit?"
I stand in front of my locker and twist the lock to the correct numbers.
"I don't know...." I've never been much of a troublesome type. But I don't know.... Maybe it's time to change....
"I'll text you. Gotta get to class. See you later V. Have a good day." Tate says as he kisses my cheek. I get a jittery feeling inside my stomach. As he walks away I stare at him... The way his perfect body takes step after step.... Damn I want that boy so bad. But I can't. He's with my friend. For now, all I can call him is my best friend. Maybe some day he'll get the title "Boyfriend".
That would be a day worth living for.
The first homeroom bell rings. I grab my book out of my locker and walk towards Mr. G's class.
"Psst! PSST!"
I look towards my right and smile. Those beautiful baby blue eyes staring at me as if I was some sort of princess.
"No mall. Let's do something fun!"
"Nash, your the second person who's said that to me today." I whisper, "what, are y'all already planning?!"
"No." He whispers, "I just wanna do something fun with you. B-Before...-"
"Before you leave...." I start to tear up. Nash is my best friend. I've known him since we were 3. We share a birthday. He is moving. At the end of freshman year. On our 16th birthday....
"Sshh... It's oka-"
"MR. GRIER! Is there something you would like to share with the class!?" Mr. G yelled.
"N-No sir." Nash said. Mr. G scares the shit outta Nash- outta everyone.

Sorry i don't update much! I've been very busy. I'll try to be more active. But y'all should follow my instagrams- @/cashisbackbitch and @/m4rywyd .
Thanks! 🙂❤️

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