Double Date

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"Why do I even own a bow tie" I grumble, throwing it to the ground with the rest of my wardrobe.
I flick open my phone and look at the picture again. Tall, blonde, and beautiful. Holly's friend was most definitely lovely but now I feel like shit because I'm totally not interested. But, on the plus side, I do get a night out with Ross.
"This looks rad" I pull an old navy button up shirt from my cupboard that I haven't seen in years, surprisingly it still fits like a glove and looks mighty fine.
"I guess I can do this, just go for a couple of hours, be friendly, then gently reject her later. Easy." My reflection looks back at me filled with doubt. I turn away abruptly and make my way towards the door.
"I just need to calm down, it will all be over with soon enough" I open my door, take a deep breath and head downstairs to my car.

I arrive at the restaurant 15 minutes early and decided to take a seat inside. Holly choose a low key wood fire pizza restaurant, that wasn't overly crowded on a Thursday night. The place was tastefully decorated, with simple paintings and shelves holding plants, wine bottles and beautiful wine glasses. I get the attention of a young waitress who bashfully greets me and asks if I have a reservation.
"Um, yeah its under Ross"
She moves quickly to the reservations book by the door and then responds.
"Found it! Follow me"
She guides me to a room off the main dining area that is almost half the size, an affectionate couple are the only people in the room when we enter. They didn't noticed us entering as they continue to giggle and swoon over each other.
"Your menus are on the table and when the others arrive I'll come back to take you order, would you like some table water?" I pry my eyes from the repulsive couple and nod to the waitress, she exits the room. I pull out my phone to check the time, five to seven. Bloody hell. Looking up I notice the affectionate couple have now begun to stroke each other, how lovely. I try to distract myself with the charming paintings but the waitress captures my eye as she carries my water and some company.
"Here is your table Madam, you are still waiting on two, is that correct?" The waitress directly asks the woman she has brought with her.
"Yes, that's right, Thank you" The woman says, taking a sit straight in front of me.
She pulls her curled blonde hair behind her ears and appears to force a small grin before pulling her blue tight fitted short dress down to cover her legs more. It's obvious she is uncomfortable, especially as that dress is most likely brand new, judging by the appearance. Although, despite her uneasy disposition she holds herself well and is truly stunning.
"You look beautiful, I'm Dan" I blurt out stupidly as I stretch out my hand for a friendly hand shake like a gawky teenage boy discovering a woman for the first time. She shakes my hand.
"Becky, you look nice yourself" She grins more comfortably now. I open my mouth to speak but the rest of our company arrive.
"I see you've already met" Holly chirps as we both stand to greet the politely, Holly starts by hugging Becky for an unusually long time before hugging me.
"Have you guys had a chance to look at the menu?" Ross asks, flopping down onto a sit, casually flicking through the menu.
"Not quite yet" I respond as we all take out seats.
"Ross and I come here frequently so I think we'll order the same thing as usual" Holly glares at Ross.
"Yeah that sounds good babe" Ross smiles at Holly which seems to please her. I pick up the menu and swiftly decide on the Rondo Pizza, which contains Chicken, Beef and Bacon.
"Hey Dan, do you want to share a pizza?" Becky looks up from her menu to engage in eye contact with me.
"Sure, what pizza would you like?" I also engage in eye contact.
"Um, would you choose?"
"How about the Rondo?"
"Sounds good!"
After hailing the waitress and ordering our pizzas, Becky and I begin discussing out lives, work, family, pets, the typical stuff you do on a date as Ross and Holly disappear into their own little world. I occasionally glace over to get a look at Ross, who is wearing a clean light green shirt and black pants that fit him perfectly, his hair today is much cleaner than it was last week when we spoke so I assume he actually washed it. Thinking of Ross showering made me blush.
"You alright Dan you seem flushed?" Becky draws my attention back to her with her concern.
"Oh no, all good, What were you saying?" I attempt to revert back to the old topic, seeing as I have no idea what she said anyway.
"Oh, I just was curious, how come you don't have a girlfriend now, you are successfully and very charming, women must be crazy for you?"
I feel a little anxious as I shuffle on my seat, 'maybe because I've been in love with my best friend for over a year now but can't pursue it because he is married to Holly who is obviously the right choice for a straight man!', well that's the truth but I can possibly say that.
"I haven't really had the time, I've spend these past few years finding myself and I just haven't had the time for it" I mutter, repeating myself dumbly as I wipe my brow praying I'm not sweating profusely.
"Ah that's understandable" she replies with a nod.
Our pizza's arrive and while we eat we talk about funny stories and laugh like good friends and for a short while I almost forgot I'm on a date with this woman I have no interest in. Once we finish our pizza's, Holly and Ross announce that they need to return home. My eyes follow Ross until he leaves the room. I sigh.
"Do you wanna go somewhere else, I know a place?" Becky suggests, staring at me hopefully.
It would be rude of me to say no..

We both climb into my car and I drive slowly, following the clear navigation Becky provides. We arrive at car park that is abandon at this time of night, it overlooks the beach that looks alluring at night. I find Becky's hand now on my leg, rubbing up and down, I look to her face and her eyes have narrowed only slightly to reveal a sexy inviting stare. She leans in close to my face and stops before lunging onto my lips. I close my eyes tightly and try to kiss back, her hand gradually slides up my leg and reaches into my pants. I jump.
"I'm sorry, I don't want to do this" I move her hand away from my groin.
"Why not" Her brow is now furrowed as she crosses her arms.
"I just met you tonight, and I don't know how I feel.." I attempt to explain before being cut off.
"Yeah, I get it. Can you take me back to my car please, I would like to go home" She turns away from me, I go to reply but decide against it. It was a long drive back to the pizza place car park, where Becky hopped from the car and shut the door without a word. I hope Holly and Ross don't find out about this.

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