either a letter or a weird rant with to many paragraths

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Its not fair.

It never is.

How the fuck do you know how I feel?!

We are nothing alike.

You are bold and out spoken,

I am quiet and sweet.

You are the perfect mother, girlfriend, ex-wife, daughter, a perfect model of what society expects.

I am truly an out cast, an oddball in everything I do. Im to disorganized to be a nerd, to smart to be stupid, to honest to be nice, to nice to be bitchy.

Yes you have your flaws but there normal!

I know you love me.

I love you to.

Your the one person I know I love.

Im not the perfect daughter,

Shit, Im not even close.

But Im trying.

I really am.


You have this daughter in mind,

Pretty, sweet, funny, smart (but not to smart) bold, caring, athletic, musical.

Someone with boys problem,

A girl that has friends over,

A girl that does her homework,

A girl that you can run a marathon with,

A girl that shows her emotions when you speak

Not me.

You dont know how to handle me.

I hate music, I love horror and action movies, Im a genius, Im lazy as fuck, Im failing math, I lie to your face, I cut myself, I think of suicide, I tried it twice, I love video games and mythology, I dont give a shit if I look nice, Im supper naive, Im terrified of getting hurt.




Il love you forever and a day.

But this is me.

I get that I cant live like this.

But what your doing is not working.

Every little thing you say to make my life better makes me even more insecure.

Stop trying to figure me out.

It wont work.

When I talk to you, listen.

When I fall asleep crying listen.

HELP me make the right choices, dont shove them in my face

You are a fantastic mom. Many should use you as an example. You love and I know that!

I just need to tell you how I feel cause I cant say it in person. Im not my brother. I cant stand up to you, I cant stand up to anybody.

If I try Im either ungrateful, selfish, bitchy, weird or stupid.

When I try to talk to you dont shoot me down and later agree with me.

I know when you do someone else told you to.

Please just listen, really listen. Not to my mindless chatter or to my lies. Just really listen.

I know your life is hard as hell and you have no time. I know that you do your best.

I also know that you will pick up on the things your not supposed to and pretend to get the rest. Im not stupid.

I just need to rant and the only person I can rant at is a 60 year old half hobo who makes his ex-wife( who already suffered far to much because of him) pay him so he can " see his kids"

But thats because he's such a dick you just cant help but rant.

So yeah.

See yeah.

Plz dont send me to the shrink because of this?

Or talk to me about it?



Love you


i dont know if this is a letter, a "me" poem or just a bitchy rant so fuck this its going in poems

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