Chapter Three

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I decided I had to face Mason and Adam someday so I decided to come back....

About roughly a month later.....

So Its now February.....

"Oh hullo there stranger!" Helen, my younger sister, said as she answered the door to the house, her voice dripping in sarcasm

"Well aren't you just FULL of light today!"

So in case you don't know already........

Thalia is Greek for flower or to blossom

Helen is Greek for light....

Mason?.....He's a English stone worker....More like "kill you with a stone" worker....

And Adam is just the first human Adam....

"Indeed I am!!" She sickly smiled "I have my little servant back!!"

"Helen! Who's at the door?" I heard someone shout


There was silence. "No Fucking Way!"

And out sprout the magical amazing Adam, with a bottle of ale in this hand.

"Hey Little Sis!" He drunkenly waved "Long time no seeeeee!"

See, Adam and Mason always get drunk. Like almost every day. The only difference? Adam was pretty frilpping cool beans when he's drunk. Mason?

Remember "Kill you with a stone worker" Mason?.....He's more like "Murder you with a Mace" Mason

Meaning he will actually killed me....

"Where's Mason?" I asked

"Maaaaayson went to git more ale." He slurred

"FANTASIC!" I said sarcastically "I forgot to get more milk and cheese at the market! I gotta go!"

Well I wasn't lying....I was going to the market.

"Okaaaaay! Have fun at the carnival!!" He grinned stupidly

"Ill bring you back a teddy" I laughed "And a water pistol!"

"YAY!" Adam clapped his hands

Like I said before....he's so frlipping hilarious when drunk....

I walked back outside and walked behind my neighbor's house so if Mason came home he wouldn't see me. The market is the opposite direction of the all-liquor market so I knew I was semi-safe. Semi safe cause you don't know who could be hanging around at this time. I walked all the way to the market. I pushed through the doors and walked to the meat section. I like to look at the blood from my meat....I odd. I was so dead set on walking I didn't notice I rammed into someone.

"Oh! sorry!" I said

"Its chill." The guy said

Because im oh so very odd and figured I would never see this guy again, I studied him.

He had longish brown hair with a red streak in it and he look about two years older than me which would be seventeen since I'm fifteen going on sixteen. He had a All Time Low top on and ripped, chained jeans. He looked.....American.

"Studying me huh?" He said smirking

"Yeah why? Is something wrong with that?" I smirked back

"Nahhh." He dismissed

"Wait!" I said before he walked away "Are you from around here?"

"Hmm?" He ran his hand through his hair "Nope! Im visiting my aunt. She outside of Manchester."

"That's cool beans! So your from?"

"The US." He said "Ohio....."

"Oh that's-" I was cut off by his phone

"What the hell do you need Mac?" He said into his phone

"I don't give a sheet about Dev! She's a lying bastard who--I DONT CAREE!" And then he hung up

"Sorry," He said to me "That was my friend...Hey do you wanna like talk over like food?"

" a date?"

"Yeah.....considering I just met you 'lets go on a date!' no im hungry." He said sarcastically

"Yeah alright...its better than standing in a market." I said "There's a pizza parlour down the walkway."

"Your accent's cute." He said


"So you poured soup down your ex's back?" I asked

"Yeah...It was real funny she was like woaaaah!"

"Haha! I never had a relationship before so I don't feel your pain."

"Lucky duck you are then." He smirked "Relationships are murder."

But to be murder had a whole different meaning.

"So its been like two hours and you haven't told me your name...." I said changing the subject

"I said just call me Miller...." he said

"But that's your last name..." I said in a "duhhh" voice "At least I told you my name."

"Yeah but then you'll stalk me and then I wont be so mysterious Thalia." He winked

"At least give me your number...." I said

He sighed "Fine...lets swap."

I got the point but swap? What kind of word is swap?

We exchanged numbers and I made him text me that way he didn't fake the number.

"Nice phone!" He said

"Yeah well when your poor and your parents are dead its pretty hard to get a slide phone." I replied snippy

He looked shocked "Hey sorry Thalia, I didn't know....My dad's dead from DUI and my mom's an addict. My sister was shot."

"Oh...Im sorry...Im just abused by my brother and my half-brother." I replied

'Miller' checked his phone. "Sorry Thalia." He said "My aunt wants me to get home."

"Oh okay." I replied "Bye 'Miller'."

"Bye Thalia. Ill text you later."

And then he left.

"Ill never see him again." I said sadly "that's too bad"



So I changed Miller's name slightly....I ONLY CHANGE LAST NAMES! Just so you know....

If @1Dfanfics94 sees this she may know who 'Miller' is lmao

I NOES ITS SHOOOORT! I got lazy......


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