Chapter 1

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This is a short story that I made for school. It was a Compostition class that I took in my Junior year of high school and the task was to create a Historical Fiction story about an event in history. I chose the attack on Pearl Harbor. Since it is for school, I had to cite my resources, so please ignore the parenthetical citations. I hope that you like it.


“Yesterday December 7, 1941-a date which will live in infamy-the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked…” (Fitzgerald 83-85). Chills run down my spine as I recall the past 24 hours…

I woke up late that morning happy to have the day off from work. I am an Army Nurse stationed at the American Naval Base of Pearl Harbor. It was a Sunday morning and the sun was beginning to peek over the horizon casting its yellow light across the island. I was in the process of making coffee when I heard airplanes fly over head. “Why would there be practice on a Sunday?” I thought. I poured the hot water into my coffee mug and stirred the contents until the coffee granules dissolved completely. Before I could take a sip, a sudden explosion in the distance rang through my ears. I immediately put the mug down on the counter and look out the kitchen window. Sure enough black smoke filled the air near battleship row (Fitzgerald 12). In the air above planes flew all around dropping more bombs and torpedoes. I was stunned. No words could describe exactly how I felt and what my mind was thinking. After a few long seconds, my feet began to move towards the door. Before I knew it, I was running full speed down the street towards the hospital, even though the hospital is miles away from Honolulu. As I am running, a car honks from behind me. It is Mr. Thomas, a doctor that I work with. He offers me a ride to the hospital at which I gratefully accept. When we arrive at the hospital, all I can see is people covered in blood, oil, and other grime…(to be continued)

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