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Breathe in....breathe out.....
Breathe in....breathe out....
That's what I kept telling myself.I know for sure now I'm damned .
Dang it!!!!!

I looked around the room. For a place where they tell you your fate,it was bright...extremely bright. I blinked,taking it all in.It was too much.

I turned and looked at my mum. Her eyes were glazy,like she was trying to control the flow of tears.Damn her.I am dying and she is in tears!!!(pardon me...I am dying.My manners have left the building)

"Maria,you need to be brave" Doc adviced my mum. Damn straight Doc.
My mum simply nodded.I looked away. This is all too dramatic for my taste. Extremely dramatic.

"Brandon,how are you feeling?What do you think?" Doc questioned me.
I looked at her. Does she really want to know how I feel? Like seriously?
I raised my eyebrows. She simply nodded,I guess encouraging me to speak.
"I'm fine.I'm on a rollercoaster that always goes down" I replied (the line is quite similar to the one from TFIOS,I get it)
"Brandon!" My mum gasped aloud.
"That's disrespectful!"
"I answered her damn question!" I defended myself,even though I did feel guilty. My mum just glared at me. Apologise, she mouthed to me.
"It's alright Brandon. It's OK to be upset" Doc reasoned .
See,I was right!!!
"Is there anything we can do?"my mum asked.
Yeah,hang me now!!!
" We will start with chemotherapy right away. We aren't sure yet about his chances. But let's stay hopeful" Doc adviced.
Yipee....I'm gonna die,dunno when though.
Isn't that just brilliant!!!!!


This story is the story of my life.
The life of a host

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