Part 5 - Casey

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Two Hours.

Two clock on the wall ticked away two hours of my life while I sat there waiting.

I had contemplated a myriad of actions to ease the boredom some but I decided to be content with sitting on the edge of the bed – waiting.

It had taken me only the first two minutes to notice just how hungry I was and by now I felt a little bit light-headed.

Absently I wondered just how long I’d been locked in this room. I cursed under my breath desperate for something to do other than just sit there.  

I was about to go pound on the door and demand that whoever was on the other side at least bring me some food when I heard footsteps approach the door, retreat briefly then approach again.  I didn’t know who or what was waiting for me on the other side of the door but I braced myself to attack.

I tried desperately to ignore the loud squeals and protests coming from my empty stomach.

I wasn’t an easy task.

I positioned myself behind the door and then delivered a roundhouse kick directly into the groin of whoever had been dumb yet kind enough to open the door.  I sent up a quick prayer of thanks as the steady stream of curses confirmed that I had hit my target perfectly.  The curses died and were replaced with deep moans as I walked over to lock the door.

When I walked back towards my victim he lay in fetal position, both hands disappearing down between his thighs where he was obviously checking to see if his ‘equipment’ was still in working order.

I resisted my urge to snicker.

I turned him over, determined to slowly and painfully extract answers and maybe some food from him.

 Suddenly, my brain caught up to my adrenaline laced body and the guy curled up on the floor suddenly had Colt’s handsome face and Colt’s magnificent body. 

It hit me then why the room had looked so familiar, I’d spent hours in this very room tending to Colt’s wounds from the various times he’d been shot, stabbed, been too close to a bomb that had gone off or that one time his surly ex-girlfriend had ran him over with her car. Those had been times when he’d been too inured to do it himself, when he’d been at his most vulnerable and had trusted me to take care of him. Quite a feat since we lived a life where trusting the wrong person for even one moment could land you in the morgue.

All that time I’d never betrayed him and yet … he’d shot me right?

But somehow I was still alive. Confusion raged within me but my anger swelled and stuck out.

I didn’t hesitate.

I delivered a knockout blow then walked out of the room.

The fact that I’d recognized the room meant that he had taken me to the headquarters and I would be completely safe.  

The aroma of fresh bread assaulted my nose, making my stomach clench uncomfortably. 

I followed the smell to the office where I found a tray perched on Cole’s desk filled with an assortment of my favorite food. He’d even remembered to get that strawberry yogurt I loved but rarely indulged myself in. 

I sat down as if in a dazed, my mind wandered while I considered the many possibilities and motives for Colt’s actions.

***So guys, thanks for the reads so far but i honestly wished this story was doing better. I've made some changes to the scenes and the next 2 were kinda a last minutes decesion so .... I'm just waiting on my editor's ok right now and then i'll be posting the next one. So until then...

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