Interview with xostardust (Author of "The Last Dance")

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This was an Interview I did with xostardust. xostardust you may recognize from the What's Hot list. she is a very talented author and highly successful. She did us the big favor of allowing us to interview her.

Q1: Tell me xoStardust when did you discover your passion for writing?

I've always loved writing, but it was always just odds and ends.

It wasn't until I starting trying to write a real story from beginning to end that I truely fell in love with the art.

Q2: Did you always plan or imagined you would write a novel?

Yes and no. I always had ideas floating around in my head and would construct whole storylines, but I never thought I'd get around to putting it into actual words until I stumbled onto Wattpad.

Q3: When writing "The Last Dance" what struggles did you have? Did you ever experience a writer's block?

I had a lot of trouble keeping things in the same time era. Even though the story is meant to be medieval with a modern twist I needed to find the right balance to give it that old school feel and still be relatable.

I have lots of trouble with characters who don't play a lead role, sometimes it's hard to know their motive for doing things, or get a concrete feel of their personality and keep it distinct. I have had tons of writers block, even though I always knew where I wanted to end up, getting there could be a real challenge.

Q4: How did you end up on wattpad? Did anyone refer you?

I ended up on Wattpad quite by accident. I was looking for something to read when I happened upon the site on google. At the beginning I definitely did have my doubts about it, but one good story changed that and I ended up wanting to try something of my own.

Q5: What advice would you give beginning writers?

If you're going to write, write because you love it and stick with it. Have an idea of where your story is going and how you want it to end.

Get to know your characters well and take the time to think what they would and wouldn't do in a situation as if they were real people to make it more relatable. Pay attention to details and set the scene where your story takes place to people can see what you see.

Q6: What are some of your all time favorite novels?

To name a few, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, The Truth about Forever, anything by Tamora Pierce, Ella Enchanted, This Lullaby, Wicked.

 Q7:Tell us xoStardust, who's the girl behind the book? How has your personal life affected your writing?

My personal life affects a lot of my writing, it's usually one small event that sparks and idea or character and everything spins off from there. Alone on Cloud 9 is especially personal, it deals with a lot of things that actually happened in high school, and the characters have a lot of similarities to people I knew.

 Q8: Has writing ever interfered with your personal life?

Not really. Writing is something I do in my down time and in fact no one I know personally even knows I write, much less have a whole story finished.

 Q9: What inspired you to write the "Last Dance?"

That's a tough question. Part of it was from when I read a passage in a differnent book and then imagined how I would do it differently.

A lot of it was just my own love of classical romance, medieval manners of speaking, and the dynamic of how two people who hate each other can fall in love.

 Q10: Any shout outs you would like to give?

I'd like to give a shout out to SidneyArden. Hers was the first story I read on Wattpad and came back for, and was the reason I decided to join in the first place.

I'd also just like to thank the fans who were with me from the very start and the ones that continue to read my work and support me.

 Q11: Do you see yourself getting published?

Not really. Some people have suggested it, and I'm flattered to know people think my work could get published, but I never really planned to go that route.

Someday down the line though, who knows?

 Q12: Tell us something random about yourself Celia.

Something random... I can't stand carbonated beverages. Before drinking any kind of soda I need to shake out all the bubbles, it's weird I know, but it's the only way I can drink it.

Q13: Do you plan on writing other novels? What type of genre?

Yes I plan to keep writing. There is a sequel to th Last Dance in store that will focus on completely different characters, and I do like writing historical fiction. I also have another story planned and partially written though it might be a long while before I have the time to persue it.

Mostly I'll be sticking with romance though if I ever get the idea I'd love to write something fantasy one day.

 Q14: What advice would you give a wattpad user on how to get their book to the What's Hot list.

wish I knew what advice to give, but truthfully I have no idea how I got there myself. All I know is you just have to keep trying;

The Last Dance didn't make it on there until around chapter 22.

Mike's comments: xostardust is an amazing author. She writes mostly romance and does an extremely awesome job with it. You guys should ckeck out her stories.

xostardust we wish you all the luck in your future novels! :)

Thank you for reading this interview

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But most of all support the author xostardust!!

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Note that I only interview auithors whose work I find on the rise or popular authors. However recommend me your work and we shall see where it takes us!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2012 ⏰

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