Author's Note

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It only occurred to me to do this a few chapters in, but I'd like to put a trigger warning out there for this book. It will deal with heavier stuff than I've covered yet, and especially for victims of abuse, there may be aspects of this book that will be difficult for you to read. I'll put individual trigger warnings on chapters that need them, and if you'd like to skip them and simply know the plot-related stuff that happens in them, message me!

Read the other books first... Please... For your own sake...

Wow, fun, got to love when the first words I say sound like I'm pleading for someone's life or something! In all seriousness, though, you're about to start the sixth book in a seven book series, and this is not the place to just jump right in. If you haven't read the other books, do that now!

Anyway, welcome! I hope you're all excited for this book because I certainly am! I have a lot of things planned that you'll love or hate (or both), and I promise both immeasurable joy and enough tears to drown yourself in by the time this book is through.

A few quick notes:

• It is May, currently. I just graduated high school a week ago (I know, yay!!), and this summer is going to be crazy. Updates will be sketchy at best for the next few months! I'm going to be in Guatemala for three weeks this summer, as well as a week at camp and a week on vacation with my family. I've spent the last month writing like crazy so I can be several chapters ahead. If I get a chance (AKA if I have wifi), I'll try to upload consistently, but I won't go through my notifications while I'm away from home! I'll give you a heads up before I leave each time, but I'll be unreachable while I'm gone!

• Next fall, I'm starting college. I don't know what my class schedule will be yet, but I'm going to try to stick to my "once a week" updating pattern. Most likely it'll end up being Saturday or Sunday nights when chapters get posted from then on!

• I'll tell you more about it soon, but there is something very different I'm doing with this book. It's either going to flop or be completely amazing, but I'm really excited about it. Stay tuned for more!

• What do you think of the cover? I kind of broke the mold a bit with this one, but I really like it, personally.

• Send in questions for the Question of the Day! I've been doing this for two years now, and it's getting difficult to be original and creative...

• And finally, I know it's early, but as you read be thinking of questions for the Q&A at the end of the book!

Thank you all for journeying through this series with me! It's been a huge part of my life for so long, and I can't wait to see where it goes!

We Will Shine {Book 6 in the Star of Gryffindor Series}Where stories live. Discover now