Chapter 11 - Break It

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All Albus could talk about these days was the rapidly approaching Hogsmeade visit. As much as I was happy for him, it was starting to drive me crazy. I finally snapped at him to shut up one night at dinner, and he didn't bring the subject around me again.

It was just kind of strange, I guess. I'd just assumed Albus, Colette, and I would hang out like we did every Hogsmeade visit. Now it would be different. Not bad different, I guess. It couldn't be bad different, because this was good for Albus and he deserved this and... I don't know. I couldn't help a nagging feeling of jealousy. Poppy Stevens wasn't about to steal my best friend, was she?

No, of course not. For one thing, she was a much better person that Marcus Dillam, and wouldn't act like a jealous creep about our friendship like he always had. For another, Albus was a much better person than me, and wouldn't be a prat like I had been while I was dating Marcus. Everything would be normal, but better, but normal. Nothing had to change just because Albus was maybe almost dating someone now.

A couple things almost got my mind off it. Lily came to me crying midway through the week; apparently she and Elmer had had a very friendly breakup because they were worried about the stress of the Quidditch season. Lily was devastated, though, and super worried things would be awkward now. I didn't know how to help her, since my only boyfriend had ended up cheating on me and I'd never had to deal with remaining friends with an ex. I eventually just ended up reminding her that Elmer was a good guy and he cared a lot about her friendship and wouldn't let things be awkward. I hoped I was right.

Mr. Potter gave me a letter from my father that week, which was luckily enough to actually distract me (and not just make me confused; thanks Lily. Oh Merlin, that sounded mean, I'm sorry...).

Little Star,

I'm afraid Azkaban isn't very good on the social aspect, dear. I don't have any idea who's in the cell next to mine, to be honest. I'm sorry that Hestia Carrow is here, though. From what I've heard, she doesn't quite deserve this.

I'm glad you're working hard in your classes. You can do so much with your life, and you're going to accomplish a lot. I hope you don't focus so hard on me that you limit what you could do, Astra. Your old man isn't worth it.

I love you. If you could, will you to thank Aunt Andromeda for the sweater and the Bible again? They have been immeasurable blessings. I appreciate you both for thinking of me. I love you, dear. Stay safe, work hard in school, and enjoy your childhood. Leave Stillens for more capable wizards.

Love, Orion.

I tucked the letter into my pocket when I was done. I had a box at the bottom of my trunk that was slowly getting filled with letters, my one tangible link to my father.

James nodded at the letter as I folded it up. "From your dad?"

"Yeah." I smiled. "He's doing all right."

"That's good," James said, spooning a mouthful of cereal into his mouth.

Albus smiled too. "Did you tell him what classes you're taking? Maybe he can give you some advice."

"It's been like thirty years since he was in school, Al," I said, rolling my eyes. "Besides, that's what Wren's for." Wren sighed, but I could tell she was trying not to smile.

"Hey," Colette said. Her tone sounded a little urgent, so I glanced over at her. She didn't look up from the Quibbler, but kept talking. "You remember last week, that DA mission that turned out to be a set up?"

"No," Albus said, frowning. "Did you tell us about it?"

"I did, yes. Not my fault you're a bunch of idiots with the memory of—"

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