Chapter 5~Netflix and Chill

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(There isn't going by the definition of it. Therefore no *beeeeep*ing.)

"Kara, I'm bored." ~Ignored

"Don't you dare ignore me human!" ~Ignored

"Don't make me lick you." ~Slight eye twitch but ignored

"AHHHHHHH" I felt something long and slimy on my cheek and I flinched, quickly rubbing the saliva off.

"The hell!?" I glared over at him as he just looked at me with his tongue hanging out like a long tongued cat.

"I want you" He said, his tongue still out. (Translation: I warned you:, trust me, I sat here like an idiot repeating the phrase with my tongue out. I'm glad I don't have a roommate.)

"I don't care! You don't lick someone!" I threw a pillow at him. He caught it and held it in his lap with his had on top of it. He had finally put his tongue back in his mouth. A random part of my mind thought 'Damn, can you imagine frenching this guy, his tongue could go down to your lungs!' I shook the weird thought from my head and glared at him.

"Well you where ignoring me." He said like it perfectly justified his actions.

"That's because I'm doing my homework." I growled and continued looking at the pages.

"I want to 'Netflix and Chill'." He said and I froze. My head slowly and mechanically turned to him.

"Can that p-p-please. I think I m-m-misheard you." I requested, my pencil and homework now forgotten.

"Netflix and Chill. I heard some humans speaking about it and seemed pretty excited about it so I figured it'd be fun." He said biting his thumbnail.

"Do you even know what that term means?!" My face heating up.

"Of course." My face grew even redder. "You watch a movie or show on this archive that is on a television screen and its slightly cold in the room when you do so so you have a blanket." I turned white as paper and just stared at him. Finally, I sighed in relief.

"Oh thank gods, you're naive!" "HEY!" And so that's how we ended up sitting on my bed with my computer in front of us, we had our backs to the front of the bed against the backboard. We where watching Red Demon. (Not real, at least I think not). It was about a demon who finds out he's the son of the worlds most feared and evil priest and can control water that turns red when he does so. He joins a school for demons who are training to fight priests that are the greatest threat to Demon World. (*evil smile*) I had fallen asleep and when I woke up it was dark, my computer was back on my desk. I blinked a few times before moving my head to look at the ceiling straight ahead. However there was a dark shape in the way. It came closer and disappeared slightly when it got near my ear.

"I lied. I know exactly what Netflix and Chill means." The person chuckled and my eyes widened as I recognized the voice as Amaimon. Then I felt something nibbling on my ear slightly and I turned a deep red. I felt my body being pulled up by him until we where sitting up, me on his lap and him still continuing his action, his hands around my waist. Against my will a slight moan came out of my mouth and the nibbling stopped. He moved so he was looking me in the eyes, a strange mischievous smirk on his face. "That's what I was waiting for, a confirmation that you'll enjoy this~." He cooed. I opened my mouth to deny it but any sound that came out was muffled by his own lips as he slid his tongue into my mouth. He pulled me closer to him and I ended up screaming mentally at myself as my body kissed him back and entangled my fingers into his hair. He separated and moved down to my neck, he hand moving under my shirt. Then~~~~


My eyes shot open as I quickly sat up only to be pulled back down. I prompted myself up and saw Amaimon still sleeping and drooling on my stomach, his arms wrapped around my waist, one leg hanging off the bed and the other hooked with my'n so he wouldn't fall off......without me that is. I looked annoyed at him and grabbed one of my pillows. My eyes flashed as I hit him in the head with it repeatedly till he woke up.

"Whyyyyy?" He whined. "I was having such a nice dream of eating candy while it ran and scream in terror."

"Why where you sleeping on me!?" I yelled at him.

"You fell asleep halfway through the movie but I didn't want to move since I was still watching it so I just use your stomach as a pillow and fell asleep as well." He yawned rubbing his eyes. I looked over the find my computer safe and sound in the corner of the bed surrounded by my plushies. I sat there confused as he went over to his bed and laid on top of his Goblin plushie.

"So, I didn't wake up in the middle of the night?" I asked slowly.

"Don't know, I was out almost right after you where." He muttered. My face heated up remembering the event that was now know as just simply a dream.

" that can't be it..........just a dream...........his fault for bringing the Netflix and Chill matter up.........theres no way no........not possible.......nope." I muttered to myself shaking my head. "Didn't enjoy it anyways." I added silently as an afterthought. 'Lies~' I mentally heard Dream Amaimon coo in that strangely attractive voice. I shook my head. "Not attractive, not one bit." I growled and kicked a random hamster ball on the floor and it hit Amaimon on the head.

"Ow! What was that for!?" He yelped holding his head.

"For the thing you didn't do but dream you did!" I yelled and stormed out confused and irritated.


I own nothing but my character and maybe a few OC's down the line and maybe Red Demon. Hope you liked it ^u^ Sorry it's so short.

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