Long black hair with streaks of con purple con blue and con red
Has con symbol tattoo on her upper arms
Eyes are a deep dark blue but they change color according to her feelings
Super fit
A rebel
Where's sunglasses so people can't see her eyes
Shadows real identity
Blue armor as the base
Purple as the detail
Red as the outlines
Eyes are the same and she can have a visor like soundwaves slip down over her face
Con symbol on arms and chest plate
Bit of a rebel but still a con
Can transform into any thing cause she is a very powerful femmeScar
Short blue and red hair
About five foot ten
Has red eyes
Has con tattoo on arms
Shadows second in command
Scars real identity
Similar build to knockout but is a little taller
Blue paint as base
Red as detail
Has no visor
can transform into a LamborghiniDeath flower
Waist length neon purple hair
Purple eyes has con tattoo on both upper arms
Five feet tall
Super fit
best hacker next to Shadow
Deadly nightshade
Can shoot poison acid
Purple paint base
Silver detail
Team scientist
Transforms into a camaroPrecious
Sweety of the team but very deadly
Long magenta hair
Inside information person
Con symbol on arms
Magenta base paint
Neon pink detail
Inside information
Sweet and deadly
Transforms into a BMWBurner
Short flame colored hair
Orange eyes
Has con symbol on arms
Burn flame
As tall as knockout
Flame paint design
black outline
Transforms into a military jet like stars cream
Fighter very deadly
Forregotten Warriors
FanfictionWhat happens when some dangerous warriors come to earth? Will they change people? Or will they end the war peacefully?