Chapter 16

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Niall's P.O.V:

We hear shouting in her room. We had to wait outside the room.

" Guys, does it sound like she is using her powers?" I whisper to the lads.

They look at me with full concern. Liam knocks on the door.

He runs in, we walk and look into the room. Tessa was hiding under a table, and the nurse had a syringe in her hand.

" She's not letting me do a test on her" the nurse says batting her eyes.

" What test do you want to do?" Liam says a little angry

"I just wanted to do a gynologic test" the nurse says batting her eyes like she was trying to flirt.

" Dude, stop trying... they don't like you" Tessa says basically reading my mind... wait, did she?

" But if I make them, they will" she says spinning around to meet our gaze.

Her eyes turned blue... light blue, but wasn't they brown when we saw them.

" Wasn't your eyes-?" I try to ask but she interrupts me.

" Brown, yes... I am a black wolf, with blue eyes. I was sent here to put her to sleep. And bring her back, and that's exactly what I am going to do" the nurse says batting her now changed blue eyes.

" No you will not!" Tes shouts angrily, and in two seconds she was changes into a vampire and basically breaking everything she sees.

Tessa's P.O.V:

I looked at the wolf in front of me "you better say bye... before I kick your ass" she says getting ready to charge at me.

" Bring it on" I say shifting cause my ass and girl part hurt.

" Tes, your hurt. Just wait" Niall says looking at me.

But I learnt to never take your eyes off your opponent.

She charged at me with full force. But I stepped to the side, she knocked into the wall. She growled then turns to me, she looked like she was going to bite me.

When a warewolf bites a vampire, we die. When a vampire bites a warewolf, they die. Its life, so I don't want to get bit.

" Guys, what do I do?" I say to the boys who were in shock.

" MOVE!!!" Liam shouts then I felt sharp claws go into my arms.

"Your so lucky my boss wants you alive" she says sticking her claws further into my skin.

"Sh-shit" I sutter as I feel her claws digging more in.

I use the last of my strength to push the warewolf off me. I start slowly standing up. " You know, once your hurt... your not turning into a human anytime sooner" she laughs evilly.

" Shit " I whisper walking over to the boys who were frozen.

" Um, earth to One Direction" I say waving my hand by their eyes.

" Sorry, we're going to go now... before you get you and the baby killed" Liam says handing me to Louis who turned me invisible.

" Baby?" The girl says turning into a human again.

" Lets go, I don't want to meet with crazy warewolfs... or any other vampires" I say walking out.

" Did we forget that your famous... and paps will wonder why you were in the hospital" I say looking at them.

" Sometimes its hard being a vampire... and famous. Gosh, okay... all we need to do, is you two will be invisible so they won't know your here." Liam says

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