Chapter 11

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Lauren felt like she was in middle school. Well, her insides didn't feel like anything they did when she was in middle school, but the way they were kissing reminded her of when kissing was enough.

They were simple, their lips slowly taking the other's in between theirs and gently massaging it. Their tongues were gliding softly through their lips and slipping past the other's. Both of their hands appeared timid, Camila's not wandering far from Lauren's hips, while Lauren's were mainly around the girl's neck, only rarely venturing down to her sides. It was timorous, like someone's first kiss, in that neither seemed to know the other's boundaries. After the series talk, Lauren wasn't sure how ready Camila really was. Camila, on the other hand, was too shocked by the way the kiss was making her feel to move anything very much. It was a wonder she was getting her lips to kiss back.

Lauren knew, from an outside perspective, they probably looked a little...pure, something she definitely wasn't used to. She'd never admit it, but it sure as hell didn't feel pure. The unadulterated heat rushing through her body was thrilling. It had been at least ten minutes of this kissing, and as amazing as it was, the desire to be closer to Camila was overtaking her. Her hands slid down the girl's sides until the reached the apex of her hips and thighs. She felt the girl's muscles tense and she quickly loosened her grip, showing the girl she wasn't going to do anything too dramatic, though she was dying too. Her fingers fell inward on Camila's thighs a little, and Camila felt herself shudder a little. Lauren's touch did something to her. Something no one else had ever done. Lauren gave her legs a little tap outward and Camila complied, spreading her legs slightly. Without removing her lips, Lauren lifted her right leg over Camila's thigh, followed by the left. Camila thought her heart had reached it's maximum rate when Lauren was leaning in towards her, but she was proved wrong when Lauren's lips hit hers, and she was being proved wrong again now as Lauren lowered her body onto Camila's. And she had a feeling this wasn't going to be the last time she'd be proved wrong.

Camila leaned onto her back, vertebrae by vertebrae, as Lauren's center, stomach, and chest came down onto her. Lauren deepened the kiss and felt her stomach flutter. The feeling was intoxicating and she began to kiss a little faster. Camila's insides were reacting so quickly, Lauren's body creating a fire inside of her. The heat burned through her hands and they jolted onto Lauren's lower back. Lauren, much to her chagrin, let a hum escape her lips. She felt Camila smile against her lips, pleased to know she could make Lauren feel similar to how the girl made her feel. Lauren dug her fingers into Camila's side, immediately eliciting a sharp guffaw from the brunette. Lauren kept her mouth pressed against Camila's through her laugh.

"Hey," Camila mumbled, trying to stop the kissing. "What was-" Lauren kissed her harder, making Camila giggle some more. "That." Kiss. "For." Kiss.

Lauren slowly pulled her lips from Camila's, the older brunette realizing immediately how much she already craved her taste. She planted a kiss on her jaw, followed by another one on her neck. Camila shivered. Lauren let out a breathy laugh against her skin, thrilled by the fact that, regardless of how Camila was making her feel, she still had it in her to make the girl squirm.

"Oh you think that's funny?" Camila laughed, tickling Lauren back in her sides the same way Lauren had done to her seconds ago. Lauren's body contorted against the young brunette's but she managed to keep her lips pressed to her neck. She parted her lips a little and let her tongue glide behind Camila's ear. The girl shuddered again and let out a giggle. Keeping the neck kisses going, she let her hands find their way back to Camila's abs and squeezed the sides, making Camila lose control of her body. Her back arched upward, bringing her even closer to Lauren. Through their laughter, both girls noticed the warmth the other's body brought to their own.

"L-laur-" Camila tried to get out through her giggles. Lauren let her lips tickle the girl's neck as she dug harder at her abs. "I. C-can't. Breath!" She said between choppy laughs. As Lauren laughed at the girl, Camila contracted her muscles long enough to flip Lauren onto her back in one swift motion.

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