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Derek had only been living in his apartment for a week when in the middle of the day he hears a ear piercing scream coming from one of his neighbors apartments. Assuming that his neighbor was being attacked he grabs a baseball bat that he recently unpacked and runs across the hall where the screaming sounds like it is coming from. He kicks the door in and looks around for someone being attacked and sees a young guy holding a stack of paper in his hands looking terrified.

"What the fuck man? Who said you could just barge in here waving a baseball bat around?" The young guy yells at Derek

"I heard screaming and I thought you were in trouble, I was just trying to help."

"What? No, everything is okay, I'm just a actor practicing for an audition." The guy says and Derek just stares at him and as an after thought the guy excitedly shouts "Did that really sound that good?"

Derek really wishes that he looked into all his neighbors before signing a year long lease. He doesn't think he can handle having to deal with a twenty something neighbor who randomly screams during the day as apart of his acting. He only just met the guy and already borderline hated him.

"Well um thanks for trying to save me, I'm Stiles by the way."

"No problem I'm a detective so it's my instinct to save people. I probably should be going now seeing as you're not in danger, sorry about your door."

"Hey wait I didn't get a name!" Stiles shouts as Derek is inching toward the door


"Are you the guy who moved in across the hall? The guy who used to live there before was beyond annoying, everyone was glad when Greenburg finally moved out." Derek already believes that everyone would also be glad when Stiles moved out.

"Yeah I am, I really need to go though."

"Bye Derek!" Stiles shouts just as Derek finally gets into the hallway.

Derek really needs to have a talk with Isaac by what a good apartment is. When Isaac had told Derek that his apartment building was great and the rent was reasonable Derek thought it was a blessing.


"Hey man how is the unpacking going?" Isaac greets Derek Monday at work.

"About halfway done."

"Have you met Stiles yet, he's Scott's best friend. Remember the one I told you I was worried that Scott was cheating on me with?"

"I've met him, he was screaming and I almost beat him with a baseball bat."

"Sounds like something Stiles would do, he really wants to get a role in this low budget horror movie." Isaac laughs patting Derek on the back

"I don't like him." Derek almost growls.

"You don't like anyone besides me and your family."

"Not true I like Scott and Boyd." Derek defends himself

"You glared at Scott for the first three months of my relationship with him and only stopped when he saved my life when I accidently ate some peanuts. As for Boyd I'm about eighty percent sure you guys talk with just your eyebrows."

"I don't not like Erica." Derek attempts to defend himself again.

"You threated to rip her throat out with your teeth before you found out she was dating Boyd and then still threated to kill her."

"You know that I wasn't being serious and Erica and I are sorta friends now."

"C'mon Derek just admit that you hate pretty much everyone that's not one of the victims or is related to you." Isaac smirks

Neighbors // Sterek // boyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now