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I woke to the sound of my alarm going off. I rolled out of my bed. I made my way to the bathroom and brushed my teeth & put my hair into a ponytail. I walked downstairs to find noone in the house. " great " I mumbled. As i walk towards the fridge I see a note on the counter.
" Hey Alexis I was called in early for
a patient that demanded
to see me. Be home later  love you:)
- mom "
My mom's a doctor and she loves her job. The people she meets & help cure no matter what they have. I chuckle at the thought of a memory. When I was little, my mom had to take me to work with her. I wondered off from her office and heard someone crying & whaling so I ran towards the criesm & i saw a kid my age [10] with brown curls & tubes in his nose and through his arm. He was crying. I slowly opened the door and peeked inside. His parents were no where to be seen. I opened the door and sat myself in the chair next to his hospital bed. He looked at me and I looked at him. His eyes were bloodshot red.
" Why are you crying? " i asked the boy."  He looked at me with his eyes bloodshot red.
"Because its the only thing i feel like i can do. " he said. I just looked at him as  if i had something to say but i didnt.
" well um whats your name? " i asked
" My names is Michael, Michael James Downing. What's yours? " he asked with now a small smile on his face.
" I'm Alexis, Alexis Joyful Green." I answered.
His eyes were starting to soften up and go back to normal.His eyes were blueish gray & they looked as if he ahd more to tell than just his name.
" So Michael why are you in the hospital? " i asked very timidly
he looked away and i saw another tear dropped.
" Um, I have cancer, that's why i have tubes up my nose & barley on my head. " he said. I didn't know how to respond. I just look at him & just sat there. A tear dropped from my face and another and another. Tear after tear, I started bawling my eyes out. Michael reached out his hand and wiped my tears away. He held my hand and told me he was gonna be ok. I believed him. I gave him my bracelet that said  
" You can do it just believe it. "        I put it on his wrist.
" Dont take it off until I see you again. Promise? " i said as my voice cracked acouple of times.
" Promise." He said with a smile. We sat there and talked abouth things we would do after he got out of the hospital. Michael was one of those kids who has high hopes for the world. Michael was an inspiration me.
My mom came rushing into the room.
"ALEXIS OH MY GOODNESS I'VE BEEN LOOKING ALL OVER FOR YOU! " she said out of breath with sweat dripping down her face.
" Sorry mom I heard crying and screaming & i wanted to see if they were ok. " i said looking back a michael. 
A beeping noise went off & I didn't what happened. Michael was holding my hand but he didnt move one inch.
My mom jumped up to assist Michael.
" MOM WHAT HAPPENED TO MICHAEL?! " I asked on the verge of tears. " I DONT KNOW SWEETIE " she  yelled back
" MICHAEL!! MICHAEL!!" I yelled and shook Michael. He didn't wake up.
" Alexis honey go get a nurse & go sit in my office. " she demanded. I looked at Michael one more time and gave him a kiss on the head. " Bye Michael... " I whispered. I ran down the hallways looking for an available nurse. I finally found one and took her to Michaels room. I stood at the door for a moment. And just thought about what if I never see him again, what if this what if that. I officially got the strength to leave the door of Michael's room. I walked to my moms office and just sat there with an blank expression on my face. My mom came into her office and sat in the chair next to me. I asked if Michael was okay, she said hes okay now. That was last I ever heard of or from Michael. Without a doubt i miss him with all of my heart.
I shook my head trying to get back to reality. I wiped a tear the had fallen from from eyes. I went back to my room to get dressed for school.
I picked out a red flannel with some black ripped jeans & some timberlands. I grabbed my car keys and my MK purse and headed downstairs to my car. UGH I honestly dread going to school so much. I hop into my black jeep and drive to school. I turn on the radio & start jamming to
'Justin Bieber:
What do you mean. '
I guess you can say that I'm a beliber. I pull up to school & and parked the jeep. I put on my sunglasses and just kept walking towards my locker. I grabbed my binder and sat in the back of the room. Class didnt start till 8:30 & it was only 8:15.
I walked towards the gymnasium. I opened the doors and grabbed a basketball & started shooting. Not gonna lie basketball is a pretty fun sport. I stopped shootimg after about 5mins cause I didn't want to get all sweaty and start to smell bad. I sat on the bleachers and took in a deep breath and sang ' I see fire by Ed Sherran '. I heard the door creak open and saw people making their way inside. I slipped through the kids and made my way back to the classroom. I saw a group of girls running down the hallway as if it was free starbucks day. I watched them as I watch them run to their destination. It was those guys that always have girls either around their arms or in their beds. In my opinion they are just pretty boys but i cant lie they do have a skill. Theres a a blonde one, he's name is Jack Johnson. God damn that boy can play some basketball. He's never missed a shot i heard but it's probably all baloney. He can also rap & that boy is amazing at it.
Then theres his best friend Jack Gilinsky. He's so fine omg but that boy can sing pretty well. The rapping duo also known as Sammy Wilk & Nate [ skate ] Maloey. They can rap and play ball too. They are kind of YouTube popular or " famous " but i think they are just normal kids. Who just ot their shit together at a young age. I turn around and continue on my way to first period. God help me please....

Hey guys its been so long since I've been on here.
I dont know yet who i want alexis to look like or be played as yet.... but oh whale🐋.
Please Vote & Comment your feedback. I would love to hear it 😊 Alright Byeee✌🏾️✌🏾
~ itsyagirlthai™

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2015 ⏰

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" goodbye.. " } j.johnsonWhere stories live. Discover now