Chapter 1: Suspicious Acts

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I watched how my sister, Rize, would walk into a coffee shop and toy with the feelings of a boy with black hair along with deep black eyes. After a while of staying on the sidelines and watching my sister play with her victims, I decided to take action. Before The Binge Eater had arrived at the coffee shop, I had walked in and observed the entirety of the restaurant.

"Welcome to Anteiku." A fairly young female with purple hair with bangs that cover her right eye greeted me with a gentle smile. I smiled back and took a seat behind the boy Rize had targeted as her next victim. This boy was with a person that appeared to be his friend, who had short, messy, strawberry blonde hair with brown eyes. The young female that greeted me earlier came over to me and took my order of one cup of coffee. As the girl walked back over to the counter to prepare the beverage, something seemed familiar about the pretty waitress, although I couldn't quite pinpoint what it was. Every now and then I would glance up at the soon to be victim of the Binge Eater, but unfortunately got caught by the boy's friend. The blonde boy leaned a little bit over the table and began whispering to his friend. When they were done talking, it was easy to tell that the one with black hair had become a bit stiff. The ghoul with the long, wavy, ice blue hair and sea blue eyes, which happened to be me, got up and went over to the two boys.

"Excuse me, but is that one of the books written by Takatsuki Sen?" That name was hard for me to speak due to not being used to calling her by that name.

The black haired boy looked up to the slender female and smiled as he replied, "Yes." He seemed nervous, but there also could be seen a spark of recognition in his expression as well. He kept his eyes on me until the door to the shop opened and a girl with long, pale, purple hair walked in. Both of the boys suddenly ignored the girl who had come up to them to look at this other girl who I saw as up to no good. Not minding the boys ignoring me, I went up to the counter and got the young waitresses attention.

"Miss, could I ask for your name?" The waitress leaned in a little closer and began to speak.

"My name is Touka Kirishima." She looked like she was waiting for the new coming Ghoul to say something that would cause them to go somewhere safe to talk about the said thing.

"Nice to meet you Miss Kirishima. I'm Miza Kamishiro." After saying that last name of mine, I got a weird look from two different people: Touka and Rize. Touka seemed surprised, but at the same time worried about there being two Kamishiros in the 20th Ward. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Rize with a slight smirk. Miza leaned in a little closer to Touka and asked the question she has long been waiting to ask.

"Do you know if Uta or Yomo are here by any chance?" Touka's eyes wondered around the shop to see if those names caught someone's attention and to their luck, no one heard. The young waitress stood up straight and motioned for the blue haired girl to follow her. I obediently followed her into the part of the restaurant labelled for employes only. As they were walking down the hall, a few familiar voices could be heard. I recognized two of them as Uta and Itori and couldn't help but to be excited. When both Touka and I approached the door, it went silent. It was so quiet that a pin drop could be heard from the dining area. Then Touka opened the door, revealing two ghouls looking straight at them. The room had a couch near the far window opposite from the door Touka just opened, a coffee table near the couch, and a mini kitchen to the right of said door which is where those two familiar ghouls are sitting. The guy,Uta, was wearing a grey tank top underneath a black wrap sweater, along with harem pants and black sandals. The other one, Itori, is wearing a black corset dress with sheer neck and arms and a ruffled skirt and shoes. Miza walked up to the two ghouls with an extremely happy look on her face and gave Itori a big hug with Itori giving her a hug back. As Miza looked over the shoulder of Itori, she could see Uta with a gentle smile. After the two ghouls detached from the hug, Miza walked over to Uta and gave off a look like she was in thought. After returning to the real world, she gave Uta a serious yet playful stare.

"Uta aneki, you might just be getting a new customer." Uta knew what I had meant with this insider statement and nodded.

"Could you watch over him for me?"

"Yessiree." After I said that he handed me a paper with a few addresses and directions on it. One of the addresses was labeled with HySy ArtMask Studio. Uta pointed at the first one and then continued.

"The first one is where you can reside, second one is for getting in touch with your friend, and the third one is our 'meeting place' for future events." I had a feeling that he didn't say everything explicitly because Touka was still in the room with the 3 of us, but that makes sense. I then folded up the paper and headed for the front entrance. As I approached the front door, I noticed that Rize was talking to the black haired boy about his book. Upon exiting the restaurant, I pulled out the paper Uta gave me and looked at the first one he mentioned. It was the one that he titled as the HySy ArtMask Studio and it said that it is in the 4th Ward.

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