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Chloe's pov

I woke up as my alarm was going off ugh I hate school but I have to go. As people see me I'm a badass and will do whatever I want so nobody messes with me but I do get lonely but it's best to not get hurt by people and waste time I wish I never had to grow up. I hoped into the shower  then. Got dressed in ripped skinny jeans , sleeping with sirens top, leather jacket and black combat boots the. Headend to my motorbike and took off to school.

-Skip school to the end -----

The last bell rang so I bolted out of school and got on my motorbike than went back to hell (aka the orphanage) once I arrived I went to my room and blasted sleeping with sirens - if I'm James dean than your Audrey Hepburn  and slowly fell asleep .

I woke up by a noise outside my window so I went to investigate and saw the most Weird thing it was a shadow with yellow eyes looking into mine I backed up and tried to run but it bust my window and held by waist tight and flew out the window it was cold and raining but soon I got knocked out.

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