Chapter 2

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Liam's P.O.V

I was walking around Urban Outfitters with Lou when I saw a girl run in, almost as if she saw a ghost. I could've sworn, I could see her heart jump out of her chest. She had a short, tiny frame, complemented with long, straight brow hair, and sparkling green eyes with touches of brown matched with long lashes. I walked up behind her and softly touched her shoulder. "Hello, love." She turned around and gazed up at me. She studied my face and then my shoulders and chest area. "Are you okay? You look a bit scared." I asked. "I-I'm fine. Thank you for asking." She stuttered, not once leaving my gaze. "I'm Liam." I put my hand out. "I'm Annalise." She replied. She pulled me into a hug catching me by suprise. "Sorry, I'm a hugger." She blushed. I chuckled. "My friends and I are going to Nando's for lunch, would you like to join us?" Haha score Liam, score. "Umm sure but first I have to get an outfit for a concert tomorrow." She replied. "Oh really? Whose performing?" God I sound like a creeper. "One Direction... I really don't want to go, my friends making me." She looked down and giggled. She picked out a pair of ripped short-shorts and a white see through top with a white tank top and white TOMS. Of course we found Louis carrying 5 pairs all in different colors and patterns. "Liam look! They have new ones that I don't have ye-, hey whose the girl?" He looked over at Annalise. "I'm Annalise." She said smiling and pulling him into a hug. 'I like her' Louis mouthed to me. I rolled my eyes and smirked at him. But deeply inside I felt a burning rage of anger. Wait, I can't be jealous. I just met the girl for god's sake! I just have to keep her away from Harry,

Love Triangles Always Go In One DirectionWhere stories live. Discover now